Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/01/02/game-of-trumps.html
Yes a stupid meme but, is that a Trapper Keeper?
The hottest meme of 2011. Great way to start the new year.
Trump seems to think he’s a Stark but he’s clearly a Joffrey.
- Sadistic imbecile with zero self-awareness of his own failings
- Owes his position entirely to family connections
- Ran away from military service as fast as his little feet could take him
- Hated by most of the citizenry
- Has a beautiful wife who was clearly just in it for the money & power and who overlooks his history of depraved, abusive relationships with prostitutes
- Hates books
- Takes pleasure in humiliating and alienating members of his inner circle because he’s too stupid to realize just how precarious his position is
Stay tuned for the White House Dinner episode.
The one where he kills the entire Kushner family, or the one where Mueller feeds Don Jr. and Erik to him in a meat pie?
I was hoping for the choking-on-his-own-dinner but we can watch yours first if you like.
This is just too stupid for words.
Hodor to that.
A Trump never pays his debts.
Just wait. Trump will find the words. He has the best words.
He knows nothing.
I don’t know, Tyrion has a few choice ones…
One of the tweets linked in the article points this out, but it think it bears repeating. Donald trump:
- Called a meeting about the funding the border wall.
- Has a Game of Thrones poster at the meeting.
- The poster is not about the wall that’s in Game of Thrones.
He’s just that stupid, but whatever graphic artist they paid to mock that up knows the truth; referencing The Wall from GoT isn’t a good connotation to draw… because even that fictional wall made of ice, stone and fucking magic failed when it came down to it.
Using the ‘Winter is Coming’ meme is additionally half-assed, because anyone who actually follows the show knows that ‘Winter’ is already here.
I’d love to learn that the meeting broke down after an argument over whether or not Mexico has dragons.
I think George R. R. Martin has said the same thing
Nov. 4th, 2016 11:34 pm (UTC)
Re: No
Stannis had honor. Trump has none. He’s a Baratheon all right… he’s Joffrey, older but no wiser.
I knew that wall wouldn’t keep out illegal aliens.