'SANCTIONS ARE COMING' - Trump has 'Game of Thrones' poster of himself on table in Cabinet meeting

I think it’s supposed to be menacing.
It is menacing.

The idea that he will make it until November scares the hell out of me.


November 2018 has already come and gone.


Didn’t think it would be long before internet responds:


I was there.

It says November and it no longer is '18.
Did I miss something?

He had it made back in November.


It’s bragging about reinstating sanction on Iran 11/5/18.


If you two don’t write this book, a billion lives that could have been made brighter by laughter will wither and perish in the dark.


McChrystal has a big, dumb mouth!

cough Lannister. Not Baratheon. Whenever a Lannister and a Baratheon have had children, the Baratheon full head of hair has triumphed over the Lannister transplant comb-over.


Well, but that’s just stupid.
November 5th has come and gone.

I just hope he
"“wont see another one”
either in office or otherwise.

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We’re about a month away from Trump displaying one of those truck-stop plastic signs that say "Terrorist Hunting Permit; NO BAG LIMIT! during a State of the Union.

Or maybe wearing one of those shirts with a Punisher skull and barbed wire around the text “Never underestimate a June guy; we’re the sweetest friend you could ever have, and the craziest m’f’er you would ever see; we drive trucks, kneel for the flag, and if you’re offended by this, then MOVE SNOWFLAKE.”




I really hope HBO goes after him on this.


Unless he’s mass producing these or selling them I don’t think HBO has a leg to stand on.

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I was quoting GRRM, I’m sure he had his reasons for typing Baratheon.


I’m guessing that this is why he didn’t have one in front of every dick head in that room.

What an interesting dartboard.


Right. And we wouldn’t want them to. And honestly, he could probably print them and be within legal rights. They aren’t using any of HBO’s assets. The font you can get (licenses, I assume) the image is of Trump, and the text a meme that more or less is a parody of Game of Thrones.

A shitty as Trump is, no one should be advocating for even more broad copyright powers.


When using artist’s materials for political purposes, there is nothing about mass production or selling of said artwork involved.

Specifically in regards to political parties/individuals using the visual arts, there are no corresponding performing arts societies or central places where campaigns can go to license large bodies of artwork or photographs. There are websites such as Getty Images and Corbis, where millions of images are available to individually license, but fees need to be paid and restrictions often apply that prohibit or limit political use. The specific license agreement should be read carefully to determine the extent of the license and its limitations. Again, there is no obligation on the part of the copyright holder, that is, the photographer or artist, to grant a candidate or advocacy group the right to use their work. Using work without permission creates the potential for litigation as well as negative publicity.

HBO can go after him for using their licensed designs and materials regardless. And I for one hope they do.

Nothing on that image is a work of HBO.

Whomever took the Trump photo could make a copyright claim, unless it is a photo taking by the government, then it is public domain. The background might be a stock image, or just 5 min in Photoshop if you know what you are doing. The font used isn’t even from the logo, but the “close enough” free font you can find online. It may have a corporation use license, but that’s like what, $20? It is basically Trajan except for the O.

What, specifically, do you feel HBO has a direct rights claim to?