Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/06/13/sarah-sanders-is-leaving-wh-pr.html
POTUS says Sanders to leave post by end of June, no replacement announced
I think it’s a good time to bring back this video
Well, the latest one anyway.
Well, that’s some interesting timing.
Either this is a really weird way to distract from the Kellyanne situation or there’s some crockery being thrown at people in the White House right now.
“After 3 1/2 years…” ? really?
Jumped or pushed?
Washington may have lost a press secretary, but Arkansas has gained an angel.
Godspeed, sweet Grimace.
The thing with that kind of speculation is that there’s never been even one moment during this administration when there wasn’t a major scandal (or several) underway that the White House would have liked to distract people from.
Press Secretary in name only. She hasn’t even given a briefing in how many months now? (Not that her press briefings were anything more than Trump propaganda anyway.)
Un-fuck her (and her father). History will not look kindly on her tenure.
What did Grimace ever do to you to deserve that equivalency?
Oh, Christ. What did Blond Skeletor do now?
Adios, you soulless cretin.
She always looked so sad trying to explain Trump. I know I couldn’t do it for that long.
Hey, leave Crete out of this!
It sure feels like it, though.
Pretty sure if you asked Trump to name his press secretary, he couldn’t.
Why? Are you trying to humanize her? Let’s take a look at another video;
Or this one;
I can’t wait to see the all-time best worst moments of SHS after she’s finally left office. And I can’t wait to see what corporation hires her to be their shill. Will it be Wells Fargo? Facebook? Goldman Sachs? Exxon? North Korea?
If anything it’s evidence of her reptilian nature with those crocodile tears and all.
My first impulse was to think, “Who did they find that will be worse?” There never seems to be an equal trade, and they never seem to improve. They just aim for the bottom and keep digging.
And here I thought “Beyond” before I read “State of Arkansas.”
That is some mighty generic complimenting going on right there. Bigly so.
I wouldn’t be the slightest bit surprised if nobody back-fills her role. Trump basically already acts as his own Press Secretary and Communications Director as it is and he’s perfectly happy to lie to the public without needing someone else to do it for him.
Office of the Special Counsel says her Hatch Act violations should result in removal from federal position.