Sarah Palin endorses Donald Trump

So let me get this straight:

  • Right wingin’
  • Bitter clingin’

Proud clingers of:

  • our guns
  • our god
  • and our religions at heart

I suppose this is consistent rhetoric


I would definitely feel better about Cruz if he had all those tattoos.

In some other thread, there was an accusation of “word salad”. I think it was overblown, because this lady has word salad down pat. And, I think she’s been listening to slam poetry, because her cadence is approaching a parody of slam. So, I give her 0.5/10.


Proud Klinger?


a sensible step - self-fulfilling prophecies are a thing!

Remember when Tina Fey impersonated Palin on SNL?
The best part was that Fey just repeated exactly what Palin had said- there was no parody or manipulation. That’s when I knew we’d reached some null point.


Is it possible that Cruz is so ridiculously unlikeable in person that he even managed to piss off someone as completely self-unaware as Palin?

@RogerStrong: Kinda look forward to the schadenfreude-filled day they don’t have a beach to do this in anymore:


Umberto Eco, in the preface to Misreadings, wrote:

This is parody’s mission: it must never be afraid of going too far. If its aim is true, it simply heralds what others will later produce, unblushing, with impassive and assertive gravity.


The Palin family. Keepin’ it classy in Wasilla since 1988.

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You’ve misunderstood: She has no need to improve, because this is what she gets hired for.

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I keep thinking that the Donald is just putting us on and is going to drop out at the last minute, like “HAAAAA! FOOLED YOU SUCKERS!!!”

But alas, I think this is reality. Phooey.


If you happen to be Muslim you may not like how you get woken up. (Hint it’ll be wearing black boots which it will probably use to open your door)

Regarding the Palin Vine I was hoping to find a translation in these comments. I hear “Right-winging, beer-clinking something guns something religion.” I mean what she actually said is probably no more insightful than that but still it’s driving me nuts that I can’t parse it.

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From what I can hear;

Which translates as ‘bitter right-wingers who cling desperately to guns and ghosts’.


Quite possible

I’ve actually been watching the de-evolution (devil-ution? lol) of the Republican party for a long time, and there is a certain contagion factor to the cray-cray. It’s mob psychology, yes, but there’s “carriers” and Muthee is almost a “super-carrier”. They’ve all met with him at some point and they all seem to go a bit more nuts after.


I think that’s what Trump is angling for already. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m endlessly fascinated by the pluralization of religion employed by Palin in this soundbyte. It can be read so many ways.

I think she believes that different denominations of Christianity are different religions.
Islam. Hinduism. Buddhism. Them’s just devil worship.
Judaism? Well, they’s just really, really old Christians.


I can’t help but think she’s suggesting that right-wing individuals accept multiple religions or denominations.

What she thinks and what she says aren’t necessarily connected.
And who knows what she thinks?

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the exploded Scrabble theory seems legit