Sarah Palin to interview Donald Trump

I thought the Republicans had more support for Israel.

I suppose it wouldn’t be the first time (or the last…) that Republican positions were conflicting. But it seems like they’re tending to leave the “jew” part off of the “liberal jew media” thing a lot more these days.


They only support Israel because (If i recall right) the Jewish Temple needs to be rebuilt for some of the End of Days Rapture shit some of them believe will happen. The ones who don’t believe that are in it to keep the Israeli military buying American, damn the consequences to anyone else in the region.


More coherence: balancing the Trump Palin would be the Biden Warren. Weeeeeeeeeee.

Looks like they have posted the todays interviews with Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush already.

Now THAT was a lame stream.

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Pff, Biden. Sanders/Warren.


At ~8m Trump crows about his love for the Bible. lol


Some things beg for a remix with a laugh track.


So…he’s going to increase spending on infrastructure and public health by raising capital gains tax.

Those are his policies? Really? And they’re popular with Republicans?

Maybe I wasn’t paying attention, or he was lying. One of those. But he totally reads the Bible. All of it, that’s why he can’t give you a favourite bit. Maybe the one about rich men, camels and needles?


I did like the bit where he said we could have a fair tax or a flat tax. Accidental honesty?



Uh, Clinton was asked that question during the 2008 presidential debate. You know, the same race Palin was in.

Fucking hell.


Trump and the “Whining Wannabe from Wasilla” regard any reporter or interviewer who has the temerity to hold them accountable for their previously stated positions to be a bullying, biased member of a left-wing conspiracy, and they view any question for which they are unwilling or unable to provide an honest, substantive answer to be a “gotcha” question.

Bottom line: Donald and Sarah need to give us advanced warning whenever they decide to share their political insights and self-assessments … so that we have a chance to fetch our shovels and hip waders.


It does make the grass grow, so there is that.


You are forgetting the “… or they’d feed the question to her … before they asked it on-air…” part.

That way Palin can never be wrong. If they don’t ask the question she was right, and if they DO ask the question, she was right.

So when HC was asked in 2008 that actually proves Palin’s point!

Or something like that…

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I bet Jon Stewart is kicking himself for leaving The Daily Show.

As an aside, how’s this for a bumper sticker: “Trump/Palin 2016: Dumb and Dumber”?


Trump seems to like escalators…
Kept hoping somebody would moon him.


Yep, in spite of his incredibly long list of cringe-worthy attributes, stupidity is not one of them. The only way he’ll be nice to her is if he thinks he’s going to get laid.

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And are doing their damnedest (and I believe they are damned) to bring it about in this lifetime!

He had it right, she’s more powerful right where she is, the president resides in a gilded cage. Now we just need more Warrens to get full control of congress and we might have a slim chance of getting back to functional interpretations of some of that stuff that’s writ in the constitution.


Apparently someone asked Trump what his favorite Bible verse was, and whether he preferred the Old Testament or New Testament. (Appalling, I know, that a candidate who’s been courting the religious right - yet shown no signs of religiosity in his own life - might get asked some softball, throwaway questions about religion. It’s just the liberal, atheist media yet again wanting to talk about, um, the Bible.) They seem like the sort of questions that Republicans would normally be thrilled to be asked as it would give them an excuse to show how religious they are, but I guess Trump couldn’t even really fake an answer, so she’s getting bent out of shape at the media for “making him look bad.” Which apparently just demonstrates that they’re biased, and not that Trump is a joke, somehow.