Trump is currently yelling about Iraq and accusing Obama of creating Isis in response to a question about how many years he’s avoided paying income tax.
And as a big fan of Bernie… I do sincerely hope Mr. Sanders has a press conference tomorrow and sets Trump straight.
Clinton’s answer to the “30 years” question was really pretty strong.
Nothing Clinton has said so far has made me interested in voting for her more than this. (In this debate.)
Trump: We need new nukes, our nukes are tired and exhausted. Also we’re too hard on Russia and Assad.
Anytime Trump talks about “nuclear” I break out into a cold sweat.
That’s a beautifully looped gif by the way. Nearly seamless.
Mr. Trump what will you do about Syria?
Trump: We need newer nukes. Clinton is bad. The Iran deal was bad.
The moderators just held Trump’s feet to the fire on Pence’s statements on attacking Russia. Trump said “I haven’t spoken to him. I disagree with my running mate.” and now he’s babbling about Russia destroying Isis for us. “How stupid is our country?” he says. The moderators are directly ridiculing him now.
The moderator clearly thinks Trump is fucking stupid.
Seems fair enough.
If I didn’t have to be at work at the butt-crack of dawn tomorrow I would be getting so drunk right now… this is kind of painful to listen to. The stupidity, it burns…
It’s not just the moderator.
I have to give Clinton huge props for not continuously rolling her eyes at every sentence from Donald. I would not have the strength.
So true!
Clinton’s answer to the Syria question is excellent. Detailed, knowledgeable, and confident.
Wow; who needs to watch the actual debate, with all the comments here?
(Seriously though, I’ll probably either watch later tonight or early manana. )
Does Trump have any actual ideas or plans besides, “winning?” He’s done little to nothing except bash Clinton with word salad.
I think we’re going to break 100 sniffs before this thing is over.