Semiautomatic handgun advocate shot and killed her two daughters

It’s even harder to find gun control advocates who commit gun violence!

Probably not impossible with this large and varied world, but this is a great example of “activists” who think Obama plans on stealing their guns.

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Literally everyone is a “deviant” to someone else in the world.

Money is the only speech and reality that matters.

Had she lined the driveway with bananas, she could have simply ran after the daughters, then laughed hysterically when the girls went slipping to their concussive deaths.


Because neither of them matters in the creation and cultivation of this diseased subculture, amirite?


AFAIK “brick home” isn’t code for anything but “brick house” means “brick shithouse” means “built like a brick outhouse” means uncommonly well-built since outhouses are usually rickety wooden shacks.


That’s not what irony is.

I don’t disagree that this woman needed help and that we need to improve access to mental health services. However, for the purposes of reducing homicides by firearm, targeting the mentally ill will do precisely jack squat.

Read my post above. If that’s not convincing, let’s talk.


There’s something about this that to me is almost as depressing as Sheats shooting her daughters. She won’t have to live with the consequences of her actions. Maybe that’s a good thing, although if the officer has any humanity then he or she will certainly feel guilt over taking another person’s life, regardless of the circumstances.

It’s something I think about because I think all too often we get the first part of the story–the shooting–but there’s never as much, if any, attention given to how it affects everyone involved.


This whole thing is so fucking sad it makes me hurt. Kids being killed by their parent is a tragedy.
But I’m left wondering about her stance with firearms- why did she feel so unsafe? Why did she feel she needed guns to keep safe? Why did she feel attacked and at risk and that firearms were the only thing that’d help her?
Why’d she need 10 guns? If it’s to keep herself safe- doesn’t she only have two hands?
I have to wonder if, what from the outside looks like some serious paranoia, is, in fact, an indication of an unfit mental state? Isn’t the delusion of persecution a red flag? Doesn’t that… I dunno… concern anyone?
Sure, even the paranoid schizophrenic has enemies and whatever, but did nobody ever think that an adult so convinced they were under attack that they needed 10 high power firearms… that, maybe just maybe, there was some other problem? Something to be addressed?
Also: she lost her license to carry concealed because she was unsafe in her handling of her guns, but somehow that’s still ok for her to keep her stockpile at home?
Is there a way off this planet?


She was obviously standing her ground.


Sorry; as someone whose family has been deeply touched by mental illness, I tend to overreact when it looks to me like someone is using those terms lightly.


LOL and groan at the same time.

Stand Your Ground Laws are also known as Hunting People of Color for Sport Laws.


I’d like to see the debate move away from the terms used by manufacturers and towards those used by victims of gun violence.

Whether a firearm is automatic or semi-automatic is not relevant. It is a rhetorical distinction, minutae, for small minds to be occupied with.

Whether if can fire more than once every 5 seconds (to pull a number out of the air, we could use one shot per second, or one shot every 10 seconds) IS relevant.

We have the right to firearms.

We do not have the right to EVERY firearm.

Lets work on useful distinctions instead of fighting over trivial differences, as has worked with other public health and welfare issues.


Tragedy strictly is when a great person is brought low either by hubris or malice - of the gods or men. Hubris is a kind of pride - you could call it a Greek version of Dunning-Krueger.
Comedy is the drama of the village, in which nobody gets killed.
In this case we seem to have hubris - someone who believed something about themselves and their circumstances which was not true, and as a result people got killed.
But she was not a great person; she was a small person who got involved in something beyond her competence, with dreadful results.
Neither comedy nor tragedy, but black farce.

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What compounds the tragedy is that it was the husband/father’s birthday. This whole story makes no sense.


That looked to me like a meme image that she was reposting. Who knows how many she actually had.

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Thank you so very much for taking your strict theatre terminology and ruining my algebra joke with it!

I will be over here crying in the corner if anyone needs me.

######If you do need me, bring something chocolatey.


This is the very definition of Dunning-Kruger. You cannot know if you are a responsible gun owner unless you validate your responsibility against external sources. There’s training in gun handling, there are safety checklists online you can get and follow. If a person isn’t doing that, they have no business speculating about whether they are responsible or not.

You know, I don’t normally get like this, but I imagined shooting my own daughters and almost started crying. What the fuck. I didn’t even get Schadenfreude this time, it’s just fucking awful.

Legislation rarely helps anything. Canada had laws against drunk driving in the 1920s. When did people start taking those laws seriously? In the 1980s thanks to publicity campaigns from groups like MADD. It’s not the legislation that stops this kind of thing, it’s a societal recognition that people have to have some responsibility. And that might start with legislation.

Rationality is an impediment to passing as normal.

And it’s even worse when the NRA-shill politicians do the same thing. Governors, members of congress, presidents and presidential candidates say, “We’ve got a mental health crisis” and then do absolutely nothing about it, when it is actually their job to do something about it.

If you are going to come into a thread where people are expressing genuine pain they feel reading about this event and declare it all to be morbid gloating then I can only conclude that you think other people just repeat their talking points without thinking because you are projecting your behaviour onto them.


That’s so curious, I just was clicking on the “mug shots” of people killed by police on and randomly clicked on this very image of this woman. My first reaction was “That doesn’t look like the type of person who would be killed by the police.” Of course neither did our neighbor, Lane Lesko, 19, who was killed by police last weekend. In clicking through more images on that site, it looked like there is no “type” that sets one up to be killed by police.

One big difference seems to be the circumstances, some of these people were killed during or after the commission of capital crimes, or in police car chases, and some were simply gunned down for no apparent reason whatsoever. It’s all horrible, but those are the ones I really worry about.


I wasn’t using the logic as a way to discourage legislation, this lady was unhinged in a way that the outcome may have been inevitable. The gun just made it easier for her to kill her kids.

But i absolutely think we should restrict firearm sales and ownership. I don’t know what it’ll take before significant changes actually come to pass.