Still political. Unless the dems take a 2/3 majority (which is not possible this time around) the facts will not matter much. He did lie under oath, absolutely. He won’t be removed until 2020 at the least, and we will have to see what new disasters have risen up to arrest our attention by then. I suspect this will be normalized old news by the time that rolls around.
nothing more than desperate hope. I really have no observational evidence that suggests he will be a no.
EDIT: CNN just reported that Flake has confirmed he will vote yes. Collins also had lunch with GOP leaders and those same people are saying they are now confident of this vote going through.
I can’t find it now because it was a few days ago, and Twitter is ephemeral as it is eternal, but someone posted a video of a conference call with Manchin supporters where they repeatedly pressed him to vote against Kavanaugh because of his blatant political leanings on issues from abortion to union rights. Manchin did nothing but deflect and talk about how he needed to wait for the FBI investigation. I was profoundly unimpressed.
Everything I’ve seen suggests that he, Collins, Murkowski, and Flake have been working together to act Very Concerned about the nominee, the process, the allegations, etc.,with the intention of using the farce of an FBI “investigation” that we got as an excuse to all be cowards who will vote together to confirm him, so that none of them can be individually held responsible for being the “deciding vote” that pushed him across the finish line.
That said, Murkowski’s conscience seems to be desperately trying to assert itself:
Collins is speaking and she is just holding onto Dr. Ford’s story cannot be believed. She hasn’t said yet I will vote YES on Kavanaugh…but she is clearly going to say that after she is done stumping.
I agree with @bb4me in “She needs to be voted out” Its not just her…all of them. every GOP person…out.
The vote should be NO for Kavanaugh…and it isn’t about Dr. Ford. Just look at how he reacted to her accusations and how he acted to being questioned.
They keep talking about the ugly process. Its fine for it to be ugly…ugly processes bring out the truth in people. You saw EXACTLY WHO KAVANAUGH IS.
She’s saying how metoo is real and it needs to be taken seriously. And listen to survivors. Well…awesome hollow words because you just told one woman that her story doesn’t mean shit, and the person who she believes committed it beyond any doubt can be a SCJ.
here’s the thing though, we didn’t need Ford to come forward at all, there is already a recording of Kava in his own voice trying to force a child to carry a pregnancy to term by legally tying her up as long as possible, past 20 weeks despite her clear right to immediately terminate and limit the trauma as much as possible - he actually had to be overruled to stop him from forcing her
that’s 100% immediately disqualifying, it’s in his own voice and clear as day and clearly indicates what his views on Roe are and then likely birth control - it’s why the hard right DESPERATELY wants him on the court
you don’t need anything else, the fact he was a Bush operative and worked to first try to give presidential power for torture and then cover up the already taken actions are just icing on the cake
then there is the fact he lies almost as much as Trump
this country is pretty much doomed now, it’s going to be one court challenge after another removing rights and put us back into the 1950s
marriage equality is definitely not safe either but that pales compared to how women are going to eventually suffer from his placement
my gawd Collins is just disgusting, just digging deep into the party lies