Share your unpopular music opinions

My daughter (1st grader) will start humming along with some random pop song, and I’ll think “when did she hear that, anyway?” Most of our listening is in the car, and since I’m the one driving, I pick the tunes and it generally isn’t (for example) Katy Perry.

My son (5th grader), on the other hand, is into Sabbath, AC/DC and Scott Joplin. In those cases it’s much easier to draw a line of causation.


That’s the least out of control out of control audience I’ve ever seen. I think there was a dude in the balcony taking a nap.


The video failed to load. I was relieved.


I should learn this tune on gurdy. It may be less annoying.


The ‘they’ refers to whichever punk is talking, though I can see why you thought it meant The Cure. Awkward parsing.

They supported Siouxie & the Banshees at one point - Robert Smith even took over guitar duties when John McKay jumped ship. But then Siouxie & the Banshees were probably no longer punk by that time.


And not actually that clever, either.


That’s not an unpopular musical opinion; it’s an unpopular musical fact.


Could be worse: when my nieces and nephews were that age, it was the Barney Song and the Song That Doesn’t End. Got to the point where I cooked up my own lyrics to the Barney Song:

I love you
'Cause you agree
We need to kill Barney very slowly
With an ax and a torch
And trample him with a cow -
Barney’s taken his last bow.

My middle niece, Kim, the biggest Barney fan, learned to hide her plush Barney when I was around (“No strangle Barney!”), but she was a cool kid - figured out how to work her dad’s CD player when she was two, and would put on Surfing with the Alien to dance.

She’s now in her mid-20s and a big Taylor Swift fan.


How quickly they grow down.


I was never crazy about the ABC album, but my kids really liked Science is Real.

Speaking of children’s music, Blues Clues was great when Steve was hosting it, and the Blues Clues movie with Ray Charles has some music that’s really quite good.

Yup. Keeps life interesting. :wink:


You want to take in a Cowboy Junkies show sometime.

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IIRC, it was after The Scream but before Join Hands, so pretty much right in the transition period.

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Hearing Pachabel’s cannon played at a wedding makes me think less of the couple getting married.


shrugs each to their own, darl.

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I’ve never put it in words, but you nailed it.


Also @Woodchuck45: #EvenDaneRudhyarWasBetter

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Just about everything REM has ever done has been crap. Their music, their styling, their videos and their accents are cringeworthy to the max.

Radiohead would not have had a career if it wasn’t for that sampled guitar glitch in Creep.

Black American (you yanks prefer the ‘African American’ nomenclature) artists used to rule the musical world based on sheer musical talent and feeling. Nowadays… not so much.

Never Mind The Bollocks is perhaps the greatest rock album ever made.

Clash did one good album. Everything Joe Strummer ever did turned to shit after a while.


There has never been an all female rockband that even came close to the male ones.

I just don’t get Blur, but I love the gorillaz.