Sheriff's SWAT team poses with warrant, "Come Back With a Warrant" doormat

I’ve heard of a Ghillie Suit, so is that a Jolly Suit? in the Green Giant sense?


I always thought that, too. In their case, the green camo does absolutely nothing for the mission. They should just be fabulous in black and skip the militaristic army-wannabe taffeta & chiffon. Plus, did you see their helmets? So 1942.


I think the problem is the propensity for cops to conduct searches with a squad of paramilitary thugs with assault rifles in many cases ( like, from the looks of it, this one) where they could perfectly well just send a couple uniformed officers with a warrant to knock politely on the door.


Practicality over fashion. Imagine how hot the black would get in summer.


This picture is a bit of a non-sequitur… why did you post a picture of an empty frozen food section?


Adrian Cronauer as Leo, military fashion consultant: " Thank you. Well, if you’re going into an urban environment, you should make the effort to not clash. Match the green of the lawn, the off-beige of the peeling paint, the wilting begonias in the planters make very effective accents."


I think that they need capes.


We need a new Bravo TV series…Queer Eye for the SWAT Guy!!!

CSI:Fashion Police.


I’m not entirely in disagreement, or at least I see where reasonable people might differ.

But standing on your rights is not the same as having a “fuck the police” attitude any more than asking for a lawyer is an admission of guilt.

But even if they did have such an attitude it’s not unwarranted. Whenever cops stand on their rights nobody, including other cops, say jack shit but when a regular citizen does it they get grief from the filth as well as the rabble aching for an authority figure to surrender to. Cops and the DA and many, if not most, judges don’t think you should have the same rights as they do.


I would watch that. Can they arrest James May first?

Was it before or after Labor Day, though?

I do have to wonder if there’s any sort of correlation between owning a “Come Back With A Warrant” doormat and engaging in activities that would justify said warrant…


I’ll be darned if I can see what is to “terrifying” about their gear. But then I am a veteran, I have self control, and I am not a kneejerk leftwing ultraliberal who deliberately cultivates phobias in other people against anything that even vaguely smacks of “military” anything, who is addicted to hyperbole, and who could not write half a blog post without larding it with pinko propaganda to save his soul.

If they were doing exactly the same thing but were wearing overalls and Reeboks, would that make you feel better? Seriously, for you what makes all the difference in the world about this is what they are wearing? You can’t find anything to write about this incident except to try to demonize their clothing. Jesus tits, man, that is real hardcore liberal desperation. Trying to make a moral/legal/screaming terror case out of clothing. It’s bad enough when you anti-anything types demonize guns, but fuck, man, trying to make a Federal case out of the CLOTHING?

Dude, you have hit rock bottom. You have not just reached the bottom of the barrel of hysteria oil, you have scraped shavings from the bottom and tried to ferment them to produce alcohol for your anti-government pot boiler. Take a break and try to come back to something like normal.


You didn’t see a thing yet. There’s a lot more space to explore down there.

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Not addicted to hyperbole?

Dude, the first step is admitting you have a problem.


You Photoshop artistes might consider changing what that doormat says.


So, you are not addicted to hyperbole, have excellent self control and do not cultivate leftwing phobias or forward propaganda. Got it. Thank you for your service. Please stop projecting on people.


Section 8 discharge, eh? I’m glad you’re no longer defending the country.


It is terrifying to the people that often face the business end of their PDWs. The clothing itself is not the issue but rather a feature of the militarization of our cops. The military serves a very important role and police another but both are very different. The military is a martial force that must follow completely different rules of engagement than the constitution. When police are told that they are part of a “war on crime” or a “war on drugs”, are given full on military gear and then sent to train along with the military on how to use it, the lines between the constitution and martial law are severely blurred. When this happens, as it is happening here in the U.S. both the citizens and the very core of this country, the constitution, suffer greatly.


Well, maybe you haven’t seen what police forces look like in countries where “being shot by police” is not a major cause of death in any racial group. Where I live, the special police force that gets called in for armed hostage situations looks less militarized than these guys. (Hell, our military doesn’t look any more militarized than this, but that’s maybe due to their chronic lack of funding.)

Even back when I was able to tell the difference between American cops and American soldiers by their uniforms, I found the chapter on “how to act if your car is stopped by police” in a travel guide book about the US to be the most terrifying chapter of any travel guide book I have ever read.

Regular police uniforms will be fine. That says “We’re conducting a duly authorized police search” rather than “We’re performing a military attack on an enemy”. It’s already telling that the English language uses the same word, “raid”, for police searches, aerial attacks and robberies.

What does “being a veteran” have to do with “self control”?

Dude, you need to recalibrate your politicometer. Of course you’re not leftwing, you voluntarily joined a military force. The “kneejerk ultraliberal leftwing” people that I know in person are unanimously of the opinion that anyone who voluntarily joins a military force is a war criminal and a murderer.