Shooting at San Bernardino Elementary School Planned as Murder-Suicide, Authorities Say

Reminds me in some ways of the last mass shooting in the UK. 52-year-old man, with two guns that he was licensed to own, shot various people he had (mostly financial) grudges against, including his twin brother, before driving around shooting more people at random and eventually himself.

But I saw it here, not somewhere else.

From my understanding, that’s not what happened here.

The gunman wanted to locate one specific person to kill. He just didn’t particularly care about the possible consequences that would come from that person being at a school.

Wanting kids dead: that I don’t think would be a state my mind could ever enter into. Not caring if kids died… that’s more or less a normal state of mind. If I cared about every child dying from hunger, war, abuse, disease, etc. in the world, I’d have no energy to care about anything else, and then I’d have a nervous breakdown. So, I give to charities to help with that kind of thing, and then I file those kids in the part of my brain labelled “I’ve done what I can; it is no longer my problem.” Even though I know I could do more: give more time, more money, draw more attention to the issues.

Now, I’d like to tell myself that it’d be different if the kid were right in front of me, but, again, if there’s a version of me that would file all of the other people (beyond myself and the victim), who got hurt by my murdering someone, into the “not my problem” part of my brain… I hate to say it, but I don’t think that asshole would much care about the consequences to the nearby kids.


Derrick Bird.

He killed a friend of my brother when he moved on to shooting random people.

I’m not convinced that banning guns (both of the guns he used are commonly owned by farmers with good reason, good luck trying to ban them) or arming the population would have stopped Derrick Bird. He travelled 40 miles before he killed himself and no-one knew where exactly he was unless he was pointing a gun at them. I also seem to remember reports that police found an unlicensed gun at his home, but I can’t find them now.


Yeah no, I literally listed stats and a link to the NCADV.

Pretty sure I care about spouses killing spouses, no matter the means.

Here’s a thing we can do: Donate


When looking at some of the more indepth stats from large cities, domestic homicides were generally just behind criminal activity related murders. IIRC they were higher than the number of victims from robbery/random violence in most cases. So it certainly is one of those areas we should be focused on. I honestly can’t even fathom the kind of person that does this sort of thing, but reality shows us they are out there. The first murder in my “home” town a few years ago in 50 some years was a murder/suicide.

Domestic violence is one of the few non-felony offenses that will restrict one from legally buying a gun and flag a NICS check.

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I left a boyfriend in the middle of the night and left all my belongings behind, and didn’t say where I was going. I can “fathom” it very well.


We won’t really know if we never enact any laws that make it difficult for, say, a man with a criminal history to get his hands on a large-caliber revolver.

We’ve chosen different priorities than most developed countries when it comes to gun regulations. This is the price we pay for those choices.


Part of that comes down to how us Americans view gun ownership as a right. Everyone should have access to a gun apparently. I view it as a privilege, you get to own a gun and should do everything within your means to be educated and responsible.


This is the homicide rates for women in the USA as compared to other countries.
Y’all kill more women with guns alone than most countries do with combined methods. Jesus fuck what a depressing stat…

This isn’t JUST a gun issues, its a violence against women issue. And thats a horrifing venn diagram I never want to see…

From here:



Come on now, we have those laws. Define “criminal history”. Felony offenses and domestic violence gets your rights stripped. CA is one of the most restrictive states in the nation.

These other countries also never had the level of violence BEFORE their more restrictive laws. Many of the countries with the worst crime rates have very tight gun laws. Canada’s isn’t much different than the US, but has a much lower crime rate, as was their rate before their hand gun registration. Maybe something is going on besides our laws.

The “We won’t really know if we never enact any laws” is lazy, piss poor reasoning which belongs more with people who want to build a wall so the illegals’ crime rate will fall.

Like I said, I know it happens, It is just so far removed from something I would ever do, I don’t know how someone can make that “ok” in their brain. But I guess that is true of a lot of shit in the world.

I agree and it’s something we should continue to shine a light on and say “that’s not acceptable”. Let’s get rid of the non-violent drug offenders in prison so we can lock up abusers longer.


Guns are a terrible idea. Scrap them all. Including the police and the military.


Pretty sure those of us in countries that have these laws would beg to differ… but we know your stance on this.

Personally I’d prefer to focus on why violence against women in America is so much more fatal than other developed worlds than yet again another gun debate. A woman is dead for daring to leave her husband. Can we focus on that?


What the Czech is going on in the Czech Republic?


Right? No idea! Fucking terrifying!


Czech your privilege


look at the (linked) source document, “only” 0.8 per 100000, with a sex-agnostic rate of 0.9 per 100000

eta: wait, this is not the original source, just linked for comparison. but I still think some c&p issue happened, as Czech has homicide rates of about 1 per 100000 inhabitants for a long time, and a double rate for female homicides seems unlikely.


Criminals and the various foreign powers we’re busy making enemies of are in full support of your well thought out plan!

I got a board with a nail!


fear my superior technology: my board has lots of nails