Shrill Karen demands to speak with airport manager after security stopped her from running into restricted area

When peasants meet the Borg…

wiffle monty GIF


Dennis the peasant. He wasn’t just old woman 37 year old man, he had a name.


I’d completely forgotten that was his name. ;-(


I remember reading both Newsweek and Reader’s Digest specials in the late 2000s telling people that salsefolk have the ability to cut deals.

Shit like “Don’t put up with overpriced goods or bad deals. Tell them that you want to talk to the manager. They’ll make it right!”

I was working retail at the time and couldn’t believe what assholes would publish this crap. I knew that:

  1. Salesfloor retail people have no control over anything. Not even their bowel movements. Everything requires explicit permission.

  2. A lot of managers really hate when you let a customer get in contact with them. They often don’t have the authority to mofify prices and deals themselves anyway.

  3. Encouraging people to do this is encouraging them to be bad customers. If you don’t like the price, then fucking go somewhere else. If you want to haggle then go to a car deapership or a garage sale. This crap is just about Karens wanting to exercise power over helpless store workers.



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Not mine, I can’t be arsed.

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