Star of racist deli rant identified as Trump-donating NYC lawyer Aaron Schlossberg

Won’t somebody please think of the libertarian tech bros who are just racism-adjacent?


The main points are these:

  1. If a racist voted for one of the duopoly party candidates, the probability is near 100% that he voted for Il Douche (whose campaign invited his vote by openly indulging in racism and putting forth policy positions that had underlying racist agendas). This crapweasel lawyer is a prime example.

  2. If someone voted for him for “other reasons”* that person is still, per the Scalzi essay linked above, enabling racist discourse in American politics. If one doesn’t want to be seen as being complicit with racists, maybe don’t vote for the candidate who courts them and panders to them.

In reality he clearly desired that.

[* hard to think of any good or smart ones, but bad and foolish reasons are reasons, too]


I don’t get where you’re coming from with this. Trump actively courted racist voters through his own racist speech, like saying Mexican immigrants are rapists. You’re framing it as if he accidentally swept up some racists in his voter base, and what can a poor guy do? But in fact he led the charge toward normalizing half-witted racist behavior like this idiot in the restaurant. He encouraged this behavior. He encouraged these voters.

If a person votes for a racist, they are condoning that racist behavior. Trump may have other politics you agree with, but you have to let those go when you balance them against the damage he does to your fellow humans.






Well,Trump is looking for lawyers…


Sometimes, the internet is a force for good.


You have full and sole control over what behavior you choose to see and retain, and the meaning you assign to it.

Just Like Everyone.


So he hates hearing Spanish unless someone is using it to pay him?

This guy gives scum-sucking lawyers a bad name.


After this kind of douchbaggery, I feel like someone should have removed his face in person. Maybe a bit violent, but I’m so, so fucking tired of America’s refusal to progress no matter how many decades go by. Not being a complete monster really isn’t that hard. Most of us do it every day.

His behavior was vile and repulsive. But how is this not doxxing the guy? I thought that was a universal no-no.

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Evidently he’s one of those grade A assholes that treats everyone in the world like shit and then demands to know why nobody wants to be their friend:

A local attorney who has encountered Schlossberg in court told Gothamist that Schlossberg is the man seen in the video, and confirmed the viral rant is "on par with his normal behavior. He basically looks like he's always on coke. That's just the way he is."

“In my encounters with him he’s a real hot-head,” the lawyer, who asked to remain anonymous, said. “He’ll flip a switch pretty quick and all of a sudden he’s a raging lunatic. He is as ridiculous as he is in the video. That’s the way he is in real life.”


Yeah, like the rabid “English-only in America” argument seems to run gob smack into the first amendment. People upset at folks speaking not-English (or even English in an unfamiliar idiom) are just… can just… I am having a difficult time thinking compassionately here.

Oh! I know: People upset at folks speaking not-English (or even English in an unfamiliar idiom) can just take a class at the local community college.

There! Easy!

EDIT: You can tell the bigots are ashamed of their bigotry, because instead of simply saying “God Damn! I hate Latinx” or whatever, they have to do gymnastic contortions like “How dare you exercise your right to free speech in a manner I am unaccustomed to!” Also, tee hee imaginary bigot uses the term “Latinx”


Not been a racist is great, the problem with not been a racist when supporting a racist is it allows the racist you’re supporting to do racist things because that’s what racists do, and he’s able to do it more easily because he has the support from racists & none racists, a group larger than just racists.


Good think piece on it:

(In other words, yeah, it’s bad regardless of how high you think your moral high ground is.)


He also speaks Hebrew, but that doesn’t mean all Hebrew speakers are racist.




The radical left would tend to run those definitions from the opposite perspective: anyone who voted for Trump is racist, but so are a lot of the people who voted for the Democrats.

It’s a racist country with two racist parties. One of them is loudly racist, the other is quietly racist.


White supremacy is a bipartisan endeavour.


There are certainly plenty of racists who vote Democrat, but there are few if any people who vote Democrat BECAUSE they are racist (at least not in 2018).

There’s a reason every major white supremacist organization in the country went all in for Trump.


Check out the later videos in the “News One” link that @teknocholer posted above. If it was a publicity stunt, then his whole life is probably one.


Can we fucking not?
For what will definitely not be the last time: I’M NUTS, HE’S AN ASSHOLE.