Star Trek is returning to network television

Have you made any progress on the blipvert problem?


When Babylon 5 was being shopped around to the networks, Paramount adapted it to the Star Trek Universe to create Deep Space 9. Maybe CBS will do the same for Firefly or another fan favorite.



Problem? There is no problem. Just keep watching, itā€™s perfectly safe.


I like the idea of a new Star Trek series, but worry that the franchise might now be controlled by investors who prefer to churn out formulaic crap. My favorite was TNG, and DS9 was the last one I could watch any episode without trepidation. The two series since then I thought uninspired mostly, with the occasional good episodes. The new movies were vapid fluff.

I agree that it should be sci-fi first, and Star Trek second. This is what keeps it from being a clichĆ©-ridden morass of fanwank. A new series can easily still develop upon the core values of Star Trek. For me it is stories of exploration and diplomacy. If it degenerates to soap and combat then I wonā€™t watch.


Iā€™m thinking The Onion should run with, ā€œNew Star Trek series announced; fans pissed at prospect of new seriesā€


So many people care so much about Star Trek that I feel I havenā€™t earned the right to have an opinion, but used to like it once. I lost interest at some point during Enterprise. I watched that up to the first or second episode of the last season and honestly I donā€™t remember watching a single full episode of any Trek series since then. The first J.J. Abrams movie didnā€™t impress me much and I havenā€™t seen the second one. My biggest complaint is that it has become so horribly self-referential and masturbatory. Itā€™s like its own fan fiction.

The franchise seems as if it should have potential. I would love to see them get it right, but I donā€™t want to get my hopes up.


I remember reading a story about filming starting on Jurassic Park III, despite not having a story yet. Just film the action sequences, and make a minimal attempt to link them together with a story later.

The new Star Trek movies seem to have had the same plan. Good action sequences, but an insultingly awful back-story in the first one and an insultingly awful overall story in the second.

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sounds great - see ya on netflix

Iā€™m not sure were to fall on this-
I mean, I loved TNG when it aired- and while I can still watch an episode, itā€™s not as compelling to me now as it once was. And my kids? Yeah, theyā€™re not sitting through an episode of that.
DS9 I watched, but they never went anywhere. And thatā€™s where I stopped watching.
Someone will hate me for it, but I kinda like what JJ has done with the new movies. Iā€™ll be honest: I was not a fan of any of the earlier films. The OS stuff was really difficult to watch, and the TNG moviesā€¦ I dunno. Pass.
Something had to get done- if you want to keep making Trek stuff, you canā€™t just keep it the same. The audience has changed. Times have changed. If you want a new generation of fans, Iā€™d wager JJā€™s at least started that.
And there should be no doubt: without his movies (and their success) this series would never be getting made. So Iā€™m appreciative of that, at a minimum.
Iā€™d love to watch and give it a try, but thereā€™s NO WAY Iā€™m giving CBS a dime for their terrible online service.

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They tried that. It was called Enterprise (and then later Star Trek: Enterprise). No one watched it.


I was OK with the old films, and Iā€™d say I really enjoyed 4. But I get what youā€™re saying. As for Abrams, I was totally fine with the first one. A lot of that was seeing how the actors were able to become these iconic roles, but I thought the film itself was mostly good. The second, however, was pure garbage. Just a mess.

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But but but but it had CHEEKBONES. CUMBERBATCHES!

Yes. I agree.


The SAID theyā€™d try it, but the formula that was worked out during the TNG / Voyager years was 99% intact.

There were the same old aliens from day one. ā€œPolarizing the hull platingā€ rather than raising the shields. Warp cores having troubles.

Iā€™m talking about going back to the basics. Rotating modules for gravity. Plasma drives. Shuttles you have to refuel. Food you have to grow.

If you want to add the Roddenberry idealism and the frontier spirit to that, fine with me.


well, it doesnā€™t say itā€™s a reboot, so itā€™s possible that itā€™s taking place in the same universe at a different point on the timeline. at any rate, existing stories should apply when necessary.

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To the Riffraff thread with you, sir!


I liked running through just the Voyager episodes about the Borg. The good-future-vs.-bad-future, human-vs.transhuman stuff still seems relevant to me today in ways that episodes from the '60s really do not.


It needs an ensign steering the ship named Hussein Mohammed Bin Laden.

I always hoped they would expand on the future history put forth in the episode ā€œEncounter at Farpointā€. Q shows an image of the late 21st century. Police and military are now super soldiers with suits that can alter brain and body chemistry. Itā€™s a perfect mirror to what is happening now with militarized police. I think it would be an interesting story to see us go from that dystopian period to the eventual Start Trek universe that we know. First starship. First phaser. First transporter. Could be fun.