'Star Wars Rebels' Ghost may be in 'Rogue One'

Yeah, I guess I can buy that. Maybe some diplomat’s envoy vessel crashed on Tatooine, some jawas found most of a protocol droid while scavenging the ruins, took the power plant and whatever shiny bits of cladding they thought they could use, and sold the droid’s banged-up chassis and useless (to most anyone on Tatooine) protocol-processor to Watto, who probably bought them as part of a lot of more resellable junk from the jawas.

So if Anakin was starting with essentially a fairly bent and damaged superstructure and CPU, so all he needed to do was relatively minor fabrication, welding, and scavenging to get the droid up and moving, then I’d buy it. But if we’re meant to believe that he built the damn thing from scratch, or even from a complete set of protocol droid components gathered over a couple years (on a planet that probably didn’t see many protocol droids passing through), it would be…

Okay, well, I don’t believe any of it’s plausible anyway, really.


Did I relate to you my theory that Anakin’s mom was a sex slave?

If not - my theory was she was a sex slave. In a world of cheap droids for menial labor, why would a parts merchant need an unskilled laborer and bratty kid that he would have to house and feed? And when she got too old to be profitable, he sold her to a decrepit farmer.

I mean, this happens all over the world now, but it is pretty dark for a kids movie.


That was honestly my thought as well. It was just too inexplicable to have her just hanging around, not doing anything productive. Then again, Old Lucas is a hell of a lazy writer.


In Children of Men there is a great bit when Clive Owen asks the first pregnant woman in 18 years who the father is and she responds “There is no father. I’m a virgin.” After a moment of stunned silence she cracks a smile and says “Nah! Be great, though, wouldn’t it? Fuck knows. I don’t know half the wankers’ names.”


That’s a great movie!


“Trying to push-start a jalopy in shoeless feet while armed guys are in hot pursuit” was easily the most nail-biting chase scene I’ve ever watched.

This was quid-pro-quo for Yoda appearing in ET.

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#Never go full Menendez!

Heathkit has died and been born again several times already in this galaxy alone.

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