Originally published at: Steve Scalise ready to drop out of GOP Speaker race, reports Newsmax | Boing Boing
Do we accept NewsMax as a legitimate source of, well, anything? I have no doubt that the shitshow is only just warming up, but I am not going to believe the sky is up based on NewsMax reporting.
… OozeMax
Who better to report on pustulent swamp critters?
Newsmax is read by the right wing fringe, and the right wing fringe toppled McCarthy… So maybe it’s hubris?
If newsmax said that the sun was likely to come up tomorrow, i would check a few other sources.
Only 6 Republicans are needed to put Jeffries in the Speakership.
Napoleon Santos has reminded his fellow professionals that he has a vote to sell.
The other part of this Filipkowski reports is:
Now things could be getting even worse. Allies of Jim Jordan are reportedly circulating FEC reports to Scalise voters showing that he ran up a tab of over $500,000 at the DC Capital Grille since 2011.
Although this could for some show that Scalise just appears to have an appetite for lots of steak and fine wine, the argument being made that it shows he is a DC swamp creature engorging himself on the trappings of power
Huh, the completely non-reliability of the source aside, I wonder if Steve “David Duke’s Pal” Scalise thinks he has a chance of winning the vote? I feel like the Republicans would be absolutely willing to eat that shit and vote him in, no matter how obvious a white supremacist he is.
We know you’re out there, fellow Americans.
In the last vote he got 113 votes which is just short of his required 217.
insert popcorn emoji here
I think it’s actually only 5. There are currently only 433 Representatives in the House. There are 2 empty seats. So a simple majority is 217 votes. There are 212 Democrats.
I said in another place that I thought that the secret vote that Scalise won wasn’t going to mean much, because it only requires 5 Republicans refusing to go along with the decision of that private vote, and the Matt Goetz led WeOnlyWantToWatchTheWorldBurn caucus is larger than that. Scalise would have to make the same concessions McCarthy did to become speaker, and I didn’t think there was any chance in hell Scalise was going to make those concessions. It sounds like that’s probably what’s going on here. That doesn’t mean Jordan is getting it, either, though. I suspect there are more than 5 Republicans who would never vote for Jordan for Speaker, no matter what. This may drag on for awhile.
Whether it’s legit or not, Fox News showed how deliberately biased reporting could be the-tail-wagging-the-dog in politics. It’s how the GOP got into this mess in the first place: the dumbest and most intransigent of their loyal viewers are now running the party.
What Newsmax reports might be what Newsmax really just wants to happen, and thinks it can will into being by reporting it.
[ETA: in other words, what outlets like Fox, OANN and Newsmax “report” is really more like marching orders for the party.]
… i.e., anybody who can get elected Speaker
Remember, Rump Parliament is only one letter away from tRump Parliament.
Just because it’s a shitshow doesn’t mean it’s not dangerous.
Lock the doors. 221 Republicans enter, one Speaker leaves.