I mentioned offices and didn’t specify location of the skyscrapers.
Look, it’s very simple. If an object is taller than it is wide, it is a phallic symbol. If NASA was just so gosh-darned filled with toxic masculinity they’d have come up with some sort of pancake-shaped or yonic rocket or something. But, no, screw decades of careful engineering, the Saturn V is just a dick-waving contest, and the price of land in Manhattan has nothing to do with building up, not out.
Sexual repression may have begun with the commodification of women, but it’s gone so far beyond that the alien archeologists picking over our relics will probably think it’s a cosmic practical joke.
I have less equated my penis with a grand, majestic, soaring, glittering tower, than with the result of a car crash.
Maybe the other penises are different than mine?
I didn’t say which car
yep. but truthfully, the erection of skyscrapers is not directly linked to urban density in which case they would be built in let’s say Kigali & favelas in Rio and generally in poor neighbourhoods. Also it seems rather odd to solve the problem of denstiy by building structures which are empty half the day (offices) or half the year (second / third / fifth homes)…
oh so thats a white penis?
I’m also of the opinion that we should be partially building downwards. With light wells and better artificial light, we can move more things below ground.
Won’t someone think of the dicks! /s
I think this has more artistic merit than the Philadelphia clothespin.
The clothespin is kind of my standard for judging public art. The bar around here is low.
It could be worse.
I prefer architecture that reflects traditional, non sexual imagery.