Supermarket turns down checkout beep sound, and other strange marks of respect for Queen Elizabeth II

Originally published at: Supermarket turns down checkout beep sound, and other strange marks of respect for Queen Elizabeth II | Boing Boing


meanwhile exchequer of the royal suspenders has announced that during this period of mourning all “bangers and mash” shall be only allowed as: mash (“so just bubble and no squeak a’all??”)


Perhaps the beeping could be turned off permanently, as a sign of respect for the customer?


There’s a Twitter account tracking this nonsense:


That’s a misunderstanding. There will be no weather during the period of mourning.


Phil the Bubble died last year, your recipe is not correct, bubble and squeak involves mash and greens (cabbage, brussels or what ever comes to hand) mixed up and fried, served with a dollop of HP.


I get why it’s traditional to make a big show of mourning when a head of state dies but there’s something downright creepy when millions of folks make more of an effort to honor the life of a dead monarch they never met than they would to honor the lives of their own grandmothers.


well, in a delightful centuries-old tradition, i read this morning that the royal bees were informed by the beekeeper of her death, and were also assured that the new king would take good care of them, so there’s that.


There has been nothing but royal crap on the BBC, and the newspapers are full of it too (ambiguity intended). We daren’t post anything critical on social media and someone who heckled Prince Andrew was arrested and charged (breach of the peace). And you should have seen how the local FB sites ranted about how “disrespectful” that was!
This made us laugh though.

If I could I would but I’d be torn to shreds:


Scarfolk, once again nearly as weird as reality - diagnostic checks for little things like cancer, and scheduled surgery are being cancelled next Monday.

It’s what she would have wanted.

And people starting at the all-inclusive Center Parcs resorts around the UK were told they had to leave the sites for the whole of Monday as they would be closing for the day. Best Twitter response to this:


Seeing people talking about all the weird closures and hobbling of businesses and services to “mark respect” is pretty weird. There have apparently been a lot of them. One that stuck out was public transit information signs being replaced with tributes to the Queen. The buses and trains were still running (in fact, at least one ongoing transit strike was suspended “out of respect”), you just couldn’t know when and to where…

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you may feel it’s nonsense, but to the beekeepers (and perhaps the bees?) it’s a valid thing. it may not be your thing, but it’s a thing.


From what I’ve seen, they’ve just used the frame where you can update riders on disruptions to memorialize the Queen, but you better hope there’s no delay you need to know about.

At school pick up on Friday I was talking to a parent and it slipped my mind momentarily that the Queen had passed. (I’ve had a heart attack, and am taking a number of meds that can occasionally make me a bit foggy). Wow, was the parent ever taken aback. Like shocked.


Up here in Canada, national and many provincial holidays are being declared to “mourn”. Mourn what? A (by all accounts very nice) lady who came around periodically in nice hats to wave at us? I don’t think we need a whole day to do that.

The funniest thing is that, as the provinces fall all over themselves to declare holidays and organize ceremonies, Ontario (the largest by far) said, “Nah, we’re good. Everyone back to work” :joy:


When Diana died, the people who put up flyers in phone boxes advertising the services of sex workers stopped putting flyers facing the funeral procession route as a mark of respect.


We haven’t quite reached that level of adulation in the U.S. but it’s insane how long this story has dominated all the major news outlets here considering 1) It’s not exactly an earth-shattering surprise that a 96-year-old woman died and 2) She wasn’t even our monarch.


That’s the only relationship anyone has with her.

Yet people are talking about her like she was mother Theresa.

If she wasn’t an old white lady with a smile no one would give a shit.

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The sudden holiday declaration with only 4 business days notice was well appreciated :man_facepalming:

Here in BC schools are closed and some gov employers. But many hospitals services are staying open as patients still need care. So now we have a lot of staff now required to work on a holiday.

Because after the worst of the pandemic, healthcare workers really appreciate unexpectedly loosing childcare and being told to work anyway on short notice…

Oh and let’s not forget that Truth and Reconciliation Day (Sept 30th) is not a stat holiday in BC yet, but somehow there was room to make this one. No day off to recognize the damages of colonialism and the deaths of incredible numbers of children in Residential Schools, but yes a day off to mourn the death of a Monarch just 2 weeks before.


I can not wait for it to all be over, the sad thing is Charley is only going to rule for 20 years before he pops it, so we are going to have another 2 of these things before i die at least, as the new norms is old men kings…