Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade

Expiration dates on medicine are not like the ones on yogurt. There are serious risks with using expired medicine. When your stockpile is expired you must destroy it, safely. Your local pharmacist knows how.

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I reserve the right to be pissed off about my rights being taken away. There is AMPLE reason for people who care about basic human rights and democracy to be pissed off. These fascists are doing their level best to ensure that a very few individuals have any rights whatsoever in this country.

mood GIF

Rebecca Wisocky Reaction GIF by CBS

Yeah. We need to highlight what the practical outcome will be from this ruling. Concrete examples coupled with some solid stats help…

Seriously? We really can’t have nice things, can we? :frowning_face:




You don’t say.

Oh, yeah, this shitstorm is just beginning… they have effecitvely decreed half the population are second-class citizens as far as they are concerned.
The radical reactionaries in the SCOTUS won’t be satisfied until they impose a full-blown Theocracy on us. The FDC won’t be happy until only they have any rights, and only the white property-owning males among them.

Alito’s claim that ‘rights not listed in the Constitution don’t exist’ belies the existence of the 9th Amendment, which states exactly the opposite, and is therefore a violation of his oath to uphold the Constitution. Not gonna hold my breath waiting for him to face consequences for it.

Yeah, it’s almost like they want to see carnage.

Then there will be another war over whose version.
I look for the Baptists & Catholics to go at it, hammer & tongs.
While the Mormons stand off in the corner. Waiting. Smiling.

I look at it as more like ‘cultist vs. non-cultist’, but that’s just me.

True, that. Even in Texas.

I am not sure there is even any point in trying to run.

While I appreciate the sentiment, just how the fuck am I gonna boycott Texas?
I live here!

One of the Forced Birthers was on the radio, earlier, blathering about doing just that Real Soon Now.
Of course, if they actually gave a flying fuck about any of those things, they would have been enacted long ago.

There’s an idea that I don’t think has ever been tried in this country.
Too many people infested with the Puritan Work Ethic.


Sort of, sometimes, but not always, and it depends.

Storage is key, as is type of medicine. Best to ask a doctor. Because of the traveling and other activities I do, I keep a medirlo pak and a z-pak handy. I ask my doc if I need to renew when they’re expired. Sometimes yes, sometimes no.


As has been alluded to in some prior posts, the reversal of Roe should always be referred to as what it truly is: “Christian Sharia Law”.


Not a great analogy in this case, since Sharia Law doesn’t comment on abortions.


Lasts for about 4 years, expired is not dangerous, but is less likely to be effective.

  • Be careful of light and heat. Keep Plan B in a medicine cabinet or drawer that doesn’t receive direct sunlight and has at least some airflow, as these can limit the effectiveness of the pill.
  • Consider humidity. It’s best not to store plan B in a bathroom where humidity levels are typically higher. “Plan B should not be exposed to high humidity, because the drug contains hormones and is therefore sensitive to moisture,” says Sörgel.

Two years for RU486.


Those and a bunch of companies that donate a lot of money to right wing politicians are speaking out of both sides of their mouths. If they gave a shit, they wouldn’t donate to the assholes who created this mess. If they actually cared, they’d support the opponents of the GOP.


Fair enough, but “Christian Sharia-type law” doesn’t really have the same impact.


I’m seeing a number of articles showing the states where there will be immediate problems, but they all show Illinois and Indiana as equally ‘safe’ for women in the near future.

In Illinois, both the governor and the mayor of half of the state’s population (Chicago) have vociferously stated that they will offer more support in order to help women in future, both in the state and those who would come to the state because they can’t get proper medical care in their state.

Meanwhile, in Indiana the proudly anti-choice governor has already called a special session for July:


ETA Two years for misoprostol, five years for mifeprestone, though these are both approximations. Apparently susceptible to water, don’t store in medicine cabinet in the bathroom, as humidity from showers is bad, don’t take out of the blister packs.
There’s some suggestion that keeping it refrigerated may be better, but cooling and then coming back up to temperature sometimes leads to condensation that may degrade.

slightly deeper dive, on the two related compounds mifepristone and misoprostol

IF moisture is an issue, it’s not rocket scientist to make a dessicating jar. If you’ve ever stuck a damp phone in rice, you’ve made a dessicating jar.


Riiiight. Like how Mitch McConnell and the GOP were destroyed for ending the filibuster. Oh, wait, no. They exercised the nuclear option without repurcussions!


With the exception of an older formulation of tetracycline, dry tablets ard good for decades beyond expiration at >=80% potency. Liquids are less stable, and anything injectable i actually respect the exp dates. So, there you go.


Yeah. And for me, the medrol and Z-pak are to give me breathing space to allow me to get out of wherever I am and get to decent care.


SCOTUS = “The Stacked Court of the United States”


FTFY. I don’t know what it is but it happens over and over again all over the world.

This is not to say that this is in any way the fault of anyone else but the fuckers on the SC and the fuckers who worked towards this for decades.


Yeah, but the spirit is the same. Authoritarian theocracy allowing no questioning.