Supreme Court rejects Steve Bannon's plea to avoid prison time

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So the undead still don’t have legal standing in America? That’s reassuring.

And bad news for Guiliani…

Art Film GIF by hoppip


Will they let him layer 6 orange jumpsuits?


Who cares. They are busy completing the fascist coup started on Jan. 6th. Letting one of their members cool his heels in the old pokey for a bit won’t do their cause any harm…


I think having him off the air for the rest of election season might help. I don’t dive into the cesspool of USian fascist misinformation, but from the outside he seems to be one of the more prominent voices.


Yeah, true… sorry, I’m just feeling really… pessimistic today. I agree it’s good he’ll be off the air.


I imagine he grows those extra layers of clothing like a chitinous exoskeleton and just molts off the outmost one from time to time.


He was also a T**** surrogate for coordinating with domestic terrorism groups like the Proud Boys.


Yeah, today is extra rough news-wise. No need to apologize to me!

@DukeTrout, for sure. I think he’s one of the more dangerous individuals in the MAGA circle. I’d very much like to see Roger Stone and Stephen Miller joining him.


He’ll be at FCI Danbury Connecticut. The same place G. Gordon Liddy did his time (and the woman that wrote Orange is the New Black)

His inmate # 05635-509; if you want to drop him a line.

Inmate Correspondence Address

FCI Danbury

Inmate Name and Registration Number
FCI Danbury
Federal Correctional Institution
Route 37
Danbury, CT 06811


From a prison consultant:

FCI Danbury Prison Culture Information

Prison Politics at Federal Correctional Institution Danbury

There is a very low level of politics at this prison.

Level of Violence

Inmates report a low level of violence, though a progressively increasing amount in late 2018.

Vulnerable Populations

Sex offenders, informants, and LGBT inmates can walk the yard. One respondent stated that “there is a huge population of sex offenders here.” One inmate did note that sex offenders do not have a TV that they can control and that they must sit at one of four tables in the chow hall.

Bad at FCI Danbury

“The medical care is HORRIBLE!” “There are frequent lockdowns due to lack of staffing.” “Ten-minute moves are enforced; no open compound.”

“No air conditioning in the housing units.” “No bathrooms in either the leisure or law libraries, so inmates must wait until the activities move to use them elsewhere.”


A man in his condition and at his age will probably be quite uncomfortable there without AC. He’ll probably strip down to 3 orange jumpsuits.


What does this mean in the context of a prison review? Is it like saying “nobody cares who you voted for because we’re all convicted felons who can’t vote anyway” or perhaps “you don’t have to pick a prison gang to affiliate yourself with”?


“Won’t get shivved for being a Nazi”?


It’s not just you. It’s a hard day to be optimistic. Hopeful I can manage. Optimistic, not so much.


Is there a prison in the US where medical care isn’t horrible?


There are some prisons that are dedicated to medical care for individuals with higher needs. But to answer your question, no I don’t think so.


I had a friend who did some time in a Missouri prison. He had a seizure disorder, and some pretty significant cognitive issues (largely as a result of a lifetime of seizures). Half the time he was incarcerated, he didn’t get his meds when he was supposed to, which led to more seizures. And every time he had one, because the prison wasn’t equipped to deal with that, he got sent to the local hospital. And then he got stuck with the bill.


I think in the U.S. deteriorating health outcomes and increased financial hardship are key aspects of the program for successful rehabilitation and re-entry. It sounds like your friend got extra helpings of both. I hope he’s doing ok now.


I lost track of him, actually. He wasn’t in prison long. He went into a halfway house for recovering alcoholics and addicts after that, and then unfortunately into a nursing home. He’s my age (55), but because of the seizures and the brain damage, ended up completely unable to work or even consistently take care of himself. Once I moved to New Jersey, I just wasn’t able to keep in touch.


I heard that if his time in the pokey overlaps with a New York trial he may have to go to Rikers Island dur the duration of that trial. IANAL.


hit the nail on the head, there. radical conservatives are haughty until they get hit in the feelz and then they start screaming all the way to the Supreme Court. when will they realize that they are the snowflakes that they complain about?

did hunter wail to the Supreme Court?