Taco Bell employees beat up customer in street after complaint

I am definitely not saying that the victims deserved it, but I do think that if we wanted to understand the motivation behind the attack, there are probably facts that we don’t have that we’d need. I mean, for multiple people to jump the counter and follow someone out of the restaurant? Emotions were obviously running really high (or they were all doing some kind of crazy uppers behind the counter?)


It goes without saying that the vics are not to blame for their own assault, and I didnt infer that from your comment.

Exactly; I can see one or even two stressed out employees with poor impulse control doing that… but six of them?

That’s just so damn unlikely, that I’m really curious to know the whole story.


It’s okay, you both get likes


This is the city of Gritty after all…

image https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/e89d4d1bd2a35585d27e0b325dc1971b4ef125c7/0_103_3240_1944/master/3240.jpg?width=300&quality=85&auto=format&fit=max&s=f05ec32fee88bb87dd8e2d559c64343e


Me, too. The victim’s tweet sharing the video snarks that this would never happen at Chick-Fil-A and there’s potentially some weirdness in his profile photo. I want to know the exchange that led up to the attack.


When fast food doesn’t agree with you:

Well, I’m taco bootin’, taco bootin’
Taco bootin’, taco bootin’
Taco boot, taco boot
Taco boot, spewin’

Gotta spew on …

Funkytown, right? :wink:

Reeses get pieces.

i had wondered what boinboing.worldstar.com would look like, and now i know.

:notes:When you’re young and so and love as we
And bewildered by the world we see
Why do fast-food people hurt us so
Only those who eat Taco Bell would know
What a Town Without Pity can do.:notes:

Well, usually…

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naw it wasn’t really that bad, I guess I just got triggered a bit. I mean most of it was just that they had hired 3 teenage boys that were friends, I was best friends with the older brother of one but basically I didn’t get along with any of them. Normally they worked days and I worked night so I didn’t interact that much.

Anyway they had a system to spit in people’s food that annoyed them, I couldn’t figure out the point, I don’t think anyone was ever rude enough to me that I even had a lousy afternoon because of it. But I think over time they were probably doing it more often than not. Maybe they developed a system to let each other know when not to do it.

Sometimes two of them worked later with me.

At night time it was sort of weird because the guy in charge was in his early 30s and was the kind of loser that fancies he’s the coolest badass in the world, basically he looked like the bad dojo master in Karate Kid and acted like him. And he wanted to turn the nightime team into the best fast food unit in the city! Let’s call him J.

So as part of his strategy he would sort of give people free reign, but give them perks like trading food with other fast food places so we didn’t always have to eat the same thing. And if you wanted to drink a bit, or maybe have girls come in you know whatever.

This taco bell was pretty close to a bar so later in the night drunk girls would cruise by to get tacos in the drive up and the teenage boys would give said girls free tacos if they would flash them their tits. And there was drinking and drugs and stuff. usual stuff. There was some bragging about sex in the basement but I don’t know.

There was the time one of them, let’s call him R. was going on and on about his idea to make a deep fried burrito filled with shit - as sort of the logical technical leap from spitting in the food I guess - and the other one, let’s call him G. called him on it, so R. went into the bathroom and came out shortly afterwards with a tortilla that was somewhat greenish. It was decided that wouldn’t cut it. They all laughed, not me I wanted them to get out of the damn area cause it was the dishwashing area they were hanging out in and I needed to wash the damn dishes so I could clock out. Also R’s girlfriend thought it was funny, she worked there with him too. They used to slip off into the coolers so she could blow him quick or whatever sexual things they wanted to do. What I’m saying is I am not sure that spit was the only thing from their bodies that ended up in food products because they were in and out of those coolers quite a bit.

A funny thing about this shit burrito though was about a week later I was working, R had worked earlier in the day and made the burritos, and J. was there, and I had to fry up some burritos for someone’s order. I did. And all the burrito insides just ran out of the burrito when it fried, like there was nothing inside anymore.

So I freak out, damn that fucking idiot scumbag has for some reason shit in all of the damn burritos he made earlier today and now I gotta go tell J. So I went to tell J. (I was like nearly crying and I don’t know what I mean really what the hell is wrong with these jerks ) and I was like:

J. I think R. shit in the burritos.


Look, him and G have this long running joke and I think he decided to really do it because look at these burritos, man there is something seriously messed up here.

Anyway J. decided it was probably just that they had put too much of something or other in (water? I can’t remember the “recipe” anymore) and that was why they were so runny, but on the other hand if he had decided it was shit would he really have confirmed it because I was pretty up there about something had to be done like NOW man, So we garbaged all the overly runny burritos and I had to make new ones. So no problems. I quit the next week anyway, which made G. happy because he got to take my shift and get some extra money.

I think about 6 months later management got rid of everyone and brought in a whole new crew. That place became a real model Taco Bell after that. It was also ran by a woman.

Maybe Taco Bells aren’t meant to be run by guys who want their teenage underlings to view them as cool tough guys.


Well, that ends my craving for the Five Buck Box forever.


Simple solution here: don’t purchase Yum Brands, Frito-Lay, or Pepsico. They’re all connected. These are companies which pay their employees dismal wages, hence they hire the worst in many cases. They destroy the public’s health and then lobby Congress to prevent health care improvements and lobby states to prevent sick leave laws. All offer health insurance which covers almost nothing and costs a bundle.

Support your local immigrant taco businesses as a minimal start to an actual commitment to economic justice.


And along that line, if you want tortilla chips, look for ones from tortilla makers. Sometimes that means a different store aisle, though; my local supermarket has chips from the usual suspects in the snack food aisle, while the good ones like El Milagro, Mission, and El Ranchero are in with the Mexican foods.


maybe you can show them my story and ask for a rebate!

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We in Philly can only dream of aspiring to German levels of hospitality.


To be fair to Philly, I think all the big Northeastern US cities have brutish reputations: Boston, New York, Philly, Cleveland, Detroit, PIttsburgh, Chicago, DC. Something about the weather and the crowded dirty streets brings out the best in people. (Plus sarcasm is some kind of vitamin around here.)

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Hmmm… back in the 80s, there was a rumor about a local Taco Bell employee shitting in a burrito. So, either we’re from the same place, or this is a thing that happens at Taco Bell.

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So the six employees were fired. Given their behavior, I’d be fearful of they now using their newly gained free time to track down the guy and gal and take out their frustration on them.

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