Tactical baby wipe pouch

What does making them, “more disposable and biodegradable,” count as?

What about the TACSAC air command?


Sure they could be for the infantry man. But ammosexuals don’t like guns that smell like shit.

Aren’t baby changing areas with all the needed supplies a thing in drugstores where you live?

It had a shoulder strap, and was just big enough to hold a diaper, a refillable wet wipe box that held maybe 1/4 of a standard package of wipes, and some large self adhesive googly eyes to attach to pretentious upscale mall advertising posters. (not that Girlchild and I ever amused ourselves by doing that sort of thing…)

Think of a smaller version of the shoulder bag that Zach Galafanakis’ (sp?) character wore in “The Hangover”, but in a brown nylon.

Generally strategic, since shit happens. But in the light of the ecological impact of Homo sapiens actually tactical.

Shit has gone down. It’s shit all the way down. It’s the shit, it’s the shit.


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but the item show in the original post just seems like a case, no? does it have straps?

It wasn’t the “tactical” one shown in the post. It was kind of like this:

but imagine a bit slimmer and taller, and mine was a very poo colored brown.

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