Take on the world with this Wonder Woman gif

I can’t wait for the “surprise” twist when Superman shows up alive to save the day! And by “surprise” I mean “I didn’t even watch Batman vs. Superman and it’s still pretty obvious that’s how they’re gonna wrap up the movie.”


There are so many days when I say “I could write this shit.”

I don’t even want to write it any more. Can I just be the guy in the room pointing out the glaring plot holes or obvious plot twist.


The surprise is intended to be him showing up as “evil” superman and then I can only assume will be changing back to “good” superman to turn the tide.

Honestly. You can’t have Darkseid and not have Supes because he really is the only one who can go toe to toe with darkseid.

Sometimes it’s ok to follow a formula. And some “plot holes” are actually “plot devices”. You have to move the story along in some form of a predictable manner especially with a perceived big budget blockbuster where they need to get butts in seats to justify the cost.

Deadpool for all the talk of it being ground breaking (and it is in the sense that it’s the highest grossing R rated flick ever) really follows the core of DP from the comics to a T with the notable exception of dealing with his sexuality. Otherwise. It’s very “by the book”.

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Thank you for spoiling the movie for me, since I did mention I wouldn’t be seeing until Saturday. :cry:

Spoiler tags are our friends.

Thanks to everyone who was kind enough to use them!


The issue is that that idealization is, in the case of the men, a power fantasy. They aren’t drawn the way women want to see men, but the way that men want to be. So both the men and the women are being drawn for male consumers only (or primarily, at the very least).
Also, i gotta repeat this:


As explained in this timeless Shortpacked! strip:


I think you’re good. He was talking about the second in the Captain America series, unless you’re planning to binge-watch all three…

On that note, I’m really bummed out about Agent Carter getting suspended. I hear Hayley Atwell is totally on board if some agency decides to pick up where ABC left off. :broken_heart:


I hadn’t seen Wonder Woman yet. I didn’t think this thread was gonna get spoilery.


Excellent point; thank you.


I think that a major factor in the success of that scene was them finally unleashing “Wonder Woman’s Wrath”. It is a proper action theme, like James Bond, or Mission Impossible, that stands out from the rest of the sound track and is immediately recognisable from the opening bars.


Wonder Woman has got the power to fill in the Super gap.

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WW has the power to annoy the hell out of Darkseid. But not really even a stop gap.

His omega beams would end her. And she does not have the speed to outrun them.

She can hurt Darkseid to be sure. But full on toe to toe he would obliterate her.


As you are going to watch Wonder Woman this weekend, I won’t say why she is eminently suited to the job of taking down Darkseid. :wink:

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Already have seen it. Additionally if you watch the D.C. Animated film Justice League: War as well as Superman/Batman: Apocalypse. It sets up a good visual of why WW is literally no match for Apocalypse even given the rebooted origins from New 52.

The thing you have to understand is the movie is not stand alone. D.C. Is copying Marvel on this one area very heavily and it is smart on both their parts…comic books are cannon and it’s a shared universe.

Go read anything WW in New 52 universe. She is a match for Supes because she is magical, she is no more a threat to Darkseid than Green Lantern, Cyborg, flash, Or Aquaman. Batman would never even try to face him toe to toe. He’d only try to outsmart him. The only beings powerful enough to face him one on one outside of New Genesis or Apokolips is a kryptonian.

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Definitely the correct music builds the emotional impact of that scene, and I am a soft touch for the right orchestral piece. Listening to this right now is powerful.

(This is why I leave on epicmusictime.com even while I am doing boring work on my computer, it makes even data manipulation epic!)

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With my two figured typing style, I’d have to put on the Imperial March from Star Wars.

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I don’t mind simpler, formulaic stories as much as it kills me when shit makes no sense.

No that is bullshit and lazy ass… bullshit.

I have recently said that for any action movie they should run the story line as an RPG with a few groups. If they can’t get the players to organically follow the basic plot, something is horribly wrong with your story.

I can overlook a few things, but too many or too large of stupid stuff that makes no sense just kills it. Like that movie Reign of Fire. I could have changed just a little bit of exposition and tweaked a few things to go from my brain screaming “this makes no goddamn sense” to actually enjoying it. Like Transformer was a hot fucking mess.

I understand moving the action and plot along is required, but if you’re a professional Hollywood writer, it should make fucking sense.

I saw that and liked it - but HATED Darkseid’s voice. I am tempted to do a dub of a proper voice and put it on you tube. It’s horrible.

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Looked up a clip of it and his voice sounds fine to me. I would prefer his voice being a bit deeper but it’s within the range of what i would expect.

So from last to first…

  • Andre Braugher did the voice in B/S:A. I love Andre…but yeah, agreed not for that character. I loved Michael Ironside doing Darseid’s voice in most other JL cartoons/movies.

  • You can call it BS all you like, but plot devices are an effective form of story telling. Sometimes the Mcguffin is essential as how everyone moves around said Mcguffin IS the story. The entire Transformers franchise is horrid, as is Prometheus and Covenant in the same way…bad devices and leaps of faith that make zero sense lead to bad story lines. But then, horror movies do this routinely. It wouldn’t be a slasher flick if everyone made good choices, would it?
    I agree there is a ton of lazy writing being done for the sake of 'SPLOSIONS!!! but it doesn’t mean all plot devices are bad, nor lazy.

  • I agree on this point. So much so. Look Mike & Dave Need Wedding Dates is as dumb and simple as anything, but I laughed like crazy as dumb as it was. The Hangover, Bridesmaids, Knocked Up, and less contemporary versions like The Burbs, Beverly Hills Cop, Splash, Caddyshack, Trading Places all use very formulaic scripts to move things along. Including some stupidity. But when they add in stupidity and too many plot devices and leaps of faith, you get things like Suicide Squad, and Dawn of Justice, Fantasic Four, etc.