Ted Cruz and wife leave restaurant when surrounded by protestors chanting "We believe survivors"

In the mouths of certain politicians, “civility” is nothing more than code for “how dare you disgusting little people have the temerity to challenge your betters; shut up, don’t fight, obey our every whim.”

Ideally, yes, there should be some sort of respect and decorum in politics. But ideally, politicians should be our best and brightest, not limited to those who are richest and best-connected. Ideally, politicians should be focused on how to serve their constituents and the country as a whole, and not those whose greed and lust for power drive them to benefit only themselves. Ideally, politicians should obey the laws, not act like they are above every law and standard of decency, exempt from any form of accountability.

Far too many politicians these days have no intention of serving as this country’s ideals demand. Since they are unwilling to grant any form of respect or decorum to anyone, they are unworthy of any respect or decorum in return.

Screw their idea of "civility."