Ted Cruz lays out the scenario for Texas to secede from the United States and appoint Joe Rogan president

And deeper.

Why would you want to waste any of your precious time on this mortal coil spending any unnecessary time even thinking of the wannabe traitor once he’s deep sixed?


Maybe look closely at the fact that Succession is illegal. And Texas already fought and lost a war on the subject.

They occasionally do. The main thing they run with is adding DC and Puerto Rico is a Democrat conspiracy to rig the elections. So often enough it takes the form of the typical Black people and Hispanics vote DNC because they’ve been bribed with Communism angle.

All of it is pretty thin as goes dog whistle.

Occasionally with Puerto Rico you’ll hear more explicit racial and nativist arguments. Not American, diluting our culture and heritage. Spanish isn’t the national language that sort of shit.

I wouldn’t call it “good faith”, quite the opposite. But they aren’t exactly ashamed to admit this is the motivation. Even with voter suppression. Just legally cautious. If you say you’re excluding Black people because they’re black, you have a legal problem. But if you say you’re excluding Blacks because they’re Democrats, you’re probably fine.

But didn’t you hear? They’ll just “get” the military!

Please do not mention how in that last insurrection Texas lost, a massive blockade rendered their loss something of a forgone conclusion.

There has been no vote. Polling is washy, but verging on a plurality in support, and 28% undecided.

Only a third actively oppose it. And that’s without a serious push behind it.


Just FYI folks, we may not want him, but neither does Mexico. Cancun is not an option.


The first time George W. Bush ran for office in Texas he was slammed for being an out-of-touch Ivy League know-it-all. If you look at video of those early campaigns he sounds totally different in terms of both presentation style and substance.

That’s why I think at least part of George W. Bush’s aw-shucks public persona is an act. He’s stupid by the standards of a Yale graduate or an American President, but he’s not that much stupider than the average Joe. He’s a person of middling intellectual prowess playing an even less intelligent person.

As opposed to Trump, who is entirely incapable of putting on an act of any sort and is exactly as stupid as he appears to be.


WAIT, what??

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The thing to remember about the tenets of the US flag code is that nothing in there is really enshrined in law…

…so if a bunch of former Confederates want to tell everyone in their state that their flag belongs on equal standing with the US flag then there’s nobody who’s gonna stop them.


It doesn’t mean they’ll like the policies they voted for. People vote against their best interests all the time.


So how do we make Google understand that “Ted Cruz” is a synonym for “idiot”?

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Its funny how Cruz enumerates every single common-sense initiative of the Democrats and portrays them all as “extreme” and onerous. Then, makes a funny/not-funny, joking/not-joking threat about secession and treason.

GQP plays hardball for decades and when Democrats even consider playing counter-hardball (let alone going through with it), they threaten secession/treason. GQP stole 2 SCOTUS seats, stole the 2000 election, smeared excrement through the Capitol on Jan 6, oppose healthcare, criminalize abortion, killed 200-300k citizens with Covid/Vax denial, use the Big Lie of the Steal to delegitimize the current POTUS, use racism/Jim Crow 2.0 to claw back Congressional seats. When are Democrats going to fight back?


Uh, all 50 states have the option of displaying their state flags at the same height, so long as the US flag is at the leftmost position, as perceived by the audience. (Think of the flag as a person facing the audience, and the “flag” should be showing on its “right shoulder”. In the case the flag is with the audience, facing the presenter, it would be displayed shown on its “right shoulder” to the the presenters, hence on the opposite side of the auditorium.)

Flag display

Source: FLAG ETIQUETTE – American Flagpole & Flag Co.


How does anyone pretend to clap for such a cringy asshole.


Given that eastern Oregon is 90% public land, the couple-of-dozen folks out there are welcome to move to Idaho, but the land isn’t theirs. They can’t take it with them.


In winter, from 30,000 feet.


Why should Maryland have to dilute their representation by absorbing another state’s worth of voters?


The walleye anglers on Lake Erie could use a public restroom in the middle of the lake?


Why should a blue state effectively give an electoral vote to a red state? As a nearly life long resident of the PNW (who grew up in sagebrush county)I get so tired of hearing the rural parts of WA and OR whine about being the minority. The loudest voices in the ‘Greater Idaho’ movement keep talking about wanting ‘equal representation’ as though a single vote should mean more because it’s from a rural area. Don’t like being in a statewide minority? Move to a different state.


Even Jeb Bush had to beg for applause


Just sharing what the state indoctrination…er, education dept tells kids in Texas schools. Everyone is required to take Texas History in high school to graduate.


I really like how his list of things that would be unacceptable are largely things that the Republicans have either already done (packing supreme court), or are trying to do (massively expand voter fraud/restricting voting rights, also federalizing elections (more of a reference to presenting options for overruling of the popular votes in states where they don’t like the outcome of voting)…


Well assuming it is state land, it would just move to Idaho’s side. The guy on the radio was more or less saying it was just shifting over the districts/counties to Idaho so they would have representation that better matched their views. From a congressional point of view, the senate stays the same, and maybe one house seat moves to Idaho, but as far as balance of power, that house seat is already a Republican, so it wouldn’t actually change the number of Rs vs Ds


I dunno - seems rather silly. But the whole rural vs urban divide is pretty old historically.