Ted Cruz lays out the scenario for Texas to secede from the United States and appoint Joe Rogan president

Oh my stars and garters! They definitely didn’t cover THAT in my Texas history class! Fake news!

I can’t roll my eyes far enough into the back of my head. Seriously. I loathe Evil Clown Cruz.

I wish I could stand up and ask him that simple question about the Texas coast, but I don’t think you could pay me enough money to ever set foot in Texas again.

I’m in Florida, we have our own problems aplenty.


I have thought about what would happen if Texas did secede, and the rest of the Union let them.
I think that fairly quickly, several other southern red states would try to join them, and that would bankrupt the whole setup quite quickly because they would want an American standard of living, but that part of America can’t sustain that on its own.
That would leave them needing someone to blame, and I think we all know who.
Anyway, even if they did secede, there’s no way Ted Cruz is going to be anything other than some loon yelling on the sidelines.


Also unsaid:

Republicans have won only one presidential popular vote since 1992. That is 1 out of 8. Yet they have controlled each house of congress, the supreme court, and the presidency for a much larger fraction of that time.

So what he is really saying “if it gets to the point where we can no longer dominate the government when the majority of people vote against us, we may need to resort to some treason”


He’s sticking it to the LIBS!!! /s

But seriously, he’s like a walking cringe…

ted cruz politics GIF


As if his tussle with Big Bird wasn’t enough. You don’t mess with a big bird.


If Texas seceded, I think the presidential electoral map would be a blue lock for, like a generation.

The last Republican who would have won with Texas taken off the board - well, Trump would have made it in 2016, but before that was GHWB in 1988.

Even in 2004 the result would have been an electoral tie (!).

Don’t threaten me with a good time, Herr Cruz.


I say go for it. Stop talking already and gtfo


Once again, a whole bunch of people here who don’t seem to give two shits about abandoning millions of people to what will essentially be a white Christian dominionist state.

None of this happens without violence. And they don’t just want texas, they want the whole country. You can’t appease fascists, but some people here seem unwilling to learn from history, which is unfortunate and depressing.


Warning to future generations?


Get Out No GIF


Nope nope nope. Not going to happen. Why would the state of Oregon agree to that? What incentive would the state, which is responsible to represent all Oregonians, allow a tiny fraction of the population walk off with 2/3 of the land?

That’s why the movement has a snowball’s chance in hell of becoming reality. Both states would have to consent to the plan and there’s no reason for Oregon to agree.


Then the Texas flag is just where it belongs…to the far right of the American one.


Sure doesn’t! It’ll be neighborhood faction vs neighborhood faction, there are no truly “red” or “blue” states any more. We are all mixed together.

“Blue” states have their share of fascists among them. I wouldn’t be feeling too secure about being in a blue state right now (although that would be FAR preferable to me).

“Red” states have large numbers of Not Fascists, too. Those Not Fascists would be dealt with quickly and unpleasantly. That will likely be my fate.


OK gang you got your orders, let’s get to work!


i should’ve known Snopes would have an article about this. thank you, that was interesting.

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“15 gallons of bullshit in a 10 gallon hat.”

All ass and no saddle. Although in this case we can pluralize the ass.

  1. We don’t take secession talk seriously.
  2. Such an act will be a disaster for Texas.
  3. We haven’t reached the shoot fascists on sight level yet. Getting there but not yet.

OH, I 100% agree it isn’t going to happen. Just outlining their position. I think I misunderstood what you meant by “taking the land” - that the people would then own it.

Eastern Oregonians being big enough douches they relent and tell Idaho they can have them?

But no, I don’t think it will happen. Just like various counties won’t secede from states or sovereign citizens establishing their own private nations. Or Texas seceding from the United States.


Yeah, was gonna say, the people he’s appealing to here may not even consider Texas to be a US State.

I believe any decree would also include firearms and a lifted Ford F-150.


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