Ted Cruz lays out the scenario for Texas to secede from the United States and appoint Joe Rogan president

Joe Rogan couldn’t be President of the mythical duchy of Tejas. He’s not a natural born citizen.


Texas Kool-Aid is the biggest Kool-Aid.

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Paul Keeting was an Australian Prime Minister who was famous for his brilliant savage burns once described a member of the opposition as: “a shiver looking for a spine to crawl up.”

Might apply here.


As I recall the last time that states tried to secede we wound up burning Atlanta. I suppose we could to the same to Dallas.

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Deep in the heart of Idiocracy.

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It will be similar to feats of strength and airing of grievances, but they will call it Feats of Freedom and Airing Patriotism.


Let’s find out!

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We have reached the level where the fascists start shooting.


I don’t know that the rest of Europe misses Great Britain’s participation in the EU all that much. Especially given the string of failures that the Tories have shat into the PM’s chair, I’m guessing they’re probably glad to be shed of them.

Or maybe they see GB as a whinging little tot in the corner of the room, throwing a brex-fit because they can’t have their way, and the EU have agreed amongst themselves to politely ignore it until it grows up again.

Because both of those are exactly how I’d feel if Texas left today.


There’s special good… and special not so good.

I’d feel that way, if Texas could leave as peacefully as GB left the EU. Seems unlikely, alas.

'bye Qancun Qruz. First natural disaster and Tex-a-Rock will come crawling back begging for a massive taxpayer handout.

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Ted Cruz gives a master class on how to say you hate America without actually saying you hate America.


Get a functioning Supreme Court, give full political rights to people living in the nation’s capital AND lose Texas? Wow! How quickly can we make this happen?


What I’ve learnt from this thread is that Texas is basically the USA in miniature.
Deeply racist, based on some weird revisionist reading of history, populated by a wide range of people but you wouldn’t know it from the politicians etc. etc.


Yeah I know a lot of people are half joking when they say things like, “Well if they want to go, let 'em!”, but I don’t really find it funny either. I was born and raised in Texas. My whole family still lives there, and most of them are liberal/progressive Democrats. And when I was growing up there, I loved the place. It’s still “home” to me, even though I haven’t lived there since 1999 and have no plans right now to return. But I would like to some day. There are good people in that state. And the state has a lot going for it. With good leadership, it could return to sanity. I don’t like it when people talk about abandoning it to fascism, even when they’re joking about it.


Frankly, there never was. What disturbs me is the willingness, even eagerness to sacrifice those of us that live here who are not racist Trumpists for the sake of expediency.

The truth is, there is no safe place from these fuckers. It is not only national, but it’s international. Where are people going to go when fascism is on the march literally every where in the world?

And people are willing to sacrifice us for their own comfort. :woman_shrugging:

What the fuck are you talking about? they’ve stormed the capital, killed people at protests, and come in shooting up churches, synagogues, and stores! People are already being killed by them!

Read above. You’re sacrificing people’s lives. Not to hurricanes, but to violence.

They already are.

They are not. If people say that, I’m going to believe them. This is just as much of a problem as the actual fascists. These are the people who enable the fascists by making “sacrifices” for their own comfort.


Yep. I currently live in New Jersey. I was hopeful when I moved here because “Cool, I’ll be living in a blue state for the first time in my life!” New Jersey ain’t all that blue (see: Chris Christie). Our Democratic governor is a white, former Goldman-Sachs multi-millionaire who isn’t all that progressive. And I live in Ocean County, which may actually be the whitest and most Republican place I’ve ever lived in my life. All of my neighbors are blue-lives matter flag flying MAGA Trump-nuts who almost succeeded in trading in that millionaire Democratic governor for a Republican who once tried to ban profanity. This whole country is in serious trouble.


told you so agree GIF by Bounce

And people need to remember that there are not easy fixes, other than continuing to fight for what’s right, protest, vote, and push the democratic party further left. The work is hard and long, and might not bear fruit for a while, but it’s a far better path than giving into the fascists. That is never the correct answer.


Not over yet.

By the way their constitutional talking point is pure bullshit. They claim the constitution of NI has been changed by a minority because of the NI protocol. Brexit changed the constitutional existence of NI, it was supported by a minority in NI. The NI protocol exists because of Brexit and is supported by the majority.

Now imagine the kind of armed casuistry the likes of Cruz would engage in.