Originally published at: Ten of the most paused moments in Star Trek | Boing Boing
When I was a wee bairn, the green Orion slave girl in TOS seemed quite fetching.
There is a blog I think was linked here before of stills from the various Treks where the characters are caught in bad poses. Good clean fun. (Except for a Riker nip slip that is.)
Was Worf’s big nude scene included?
Choice of two there in TOS land.
Susan Oliver/The Menagerie
Yvonne Craig/Whom the Gods Destroy
this ‘wee bairn’ had a fondness for the latter
I’ve found pausing just about any show involving lots of character closeups and dialog is more likely than not to make the character look ridiculous.
I’ve developed a theory: The majority of the time peoples’ faces look crazy/stupid/bizzare and we don’t notice because they are always in motion.
Worf is comedy gold.
Worf, to me anyways, had the best one liners / facial expressions of anyone on the show. A true showman.
Enterprise didn’t let that drop, either
Hot take -
True showman:
True characters:
Worf’s most paused moments:
Who ever imagined that a “baby ballerina” from the Ballet Russe would show up on Star Trek.