Texas AG on why he supports the Big Lie: "We're done in Texas if anyone can vote"

People use it to mean different things.

A democracy is a system whereby those in power are elected by the populace. (representative democracy)
A democracy is a system whereby political power is allocated to the people in general, and not to particular classes of people (the basis for socialist dictatorships pretending to be democratic)
A democracy is a system whereby poeple are selected by lottery to exercise power on behalf of the state (the jury system, athenian democracy, sortition)

The last is Montesquieu’s definition.


Officially, the republicans believe that an unrestricted franchise allows people to vote twice, non-citizens to vote, the dead to vote, and prisoners to vote. Most of us here dismiss those as paranoid delusions, and move on to the “real reason” Republicans restrict the franchise, which is to secure a structural advantage in a society that would tend to vote for the non-Republican candidates, if only they could do so if given the chance.

Where’s the role for doubt? Oh, Paxton suffers from paranoid delusions, so we should allow him to remain in power, uncriticized?

People who genuinely extend the benefit of the doubt are admitting they don’t know everything and don’t want their fallible imaginations to fill in the details (or are kind of afraid of their imaginations filling in the details.)

Fine, you lack the knowledge to understand Ken Paxton as a genuinely evil man. But surely there is enough evidence to suggest that he’s a political opportunist and a cynic?


One is left to wonder if it is stupidity or a firm belief they are winning that would cause someone to say things like this in public where it could turn back and bite in court.

Or are these fools put up to distract watchers from something more sinister in the background.

That’s the part that worries me: Are there actually intelligent people behind the scenes making these fools dance to attract a crowd while the real evil is done in secret?

Or has America simply become this stupid on so many levels which I grant sure appears to be accurate these days.

I’m too old for a civil war to erupt and 2024 scares me badly in that regard. I just keep hoping Trump will keep stuffing himself with cheeseburgers and diet soft drinks until something goes "pop’ quietly and he is reduced to a drooling wreck.

I think the ensuing power struggle would tear the Republican party asunder which would be just fine these days.

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his statement, from the podcast, in the context of the most recent “voting rights” bill, was–
“It’s just a matter of, whether it’s this time, the next time, the next time, we’re done in Texas if anybody can vote.”

as an 8th generation texas native who has been following texas politics for 44 years, his statement means exactly what it sounds like it means: if any texas citizen can vote without hindrance or intimidation then the republican party is doomed because the g.o.p. death cult has few to no policies which are popular with anyone beyond a tiny minority. indeed, their policies are generally unpopular even within identified republican voters. the only way they can win elections is to thin the voter pool to the point that the tiny minority of republican voters can carry the day.

to this highly attentive, long-term observer of texas politics the context is abundantly clear. the notion that

is either wishful thinking or willful blindness. paxton has too many statements in the public record for him to say:

by the lived experiences from my political awakening to the present day i have seen republican efforts to strip members of the democratic base of their right to vote. until 2013 the voting rights act of 1965 prevented the worst excesses of the republican party although they were able to make it incredibly difficult for college students living away from their home town to vote. the hoops i had to jump through in order to cast a ballot while i was in college were enormous but i used my white privilege and my knowledge of the system in order to do it, even managing to be a jesse jackson delegate to the 1984 state democratic convention. in 2013 the shelby case gutted the “preclearance” provisions of the voting rights act which opened the floodgates. now, in addition to remarkably convoluted gerrymandering of districts to dilute the power of democratic constituencies and voter i.d. requirements meant to prevent “in-person” voter fraud–a type of fraud so rare republican task forces have had trouble finding examples which would represent even 1 fraudulent vote in 1,000,000 votes, the republican party of autocracy and death wishes to permit armed “poll watchers”, reduced voting hours, reduced voting days, and increasing the difficulty of absentee and mail-in voting.

ken paxton spoke the truth of what he wants: no more and no less. to believe otherwise is, effectively, on a par with believing in the tooth fairy. good luck with that.

edited to add quotation marks to clarify attribution in the second quotation.

edited to add the first person singular pronoun to the first line of my penultimate paragraph.


On display in our library today:


There are no “quiet parts” any more. Ending democracy and clinging to power at any cost is the Republican platform now. It’s the only thing they stand for. When’s the last time you heard a Republican talk about actually solving a problem that isn’t a fanciful, racist, conspiracy-minded fabrication?


The OP frequently appears to be a mixer, a shit stirrer; I’ve obviously no idea of their intentions.*

*Sic transit gloria mundi, which means–er, what I wanted to say–one never knows the secret of his neighbor’s brain.

Peter Lorre, as Professor Lorencz in The Boogie Man Will Get You


“Of course I was just talking about criminal felon thugs and illegal alien rapists” doesn’t really make it that much better


The modern Right has replaced the dog whistle with the vuvuzela.


and when all else fails throw people from minority groups in prison or jail with long sentences for non violent offenses to keep them away from the polls, then place those prisons to increase the proportion of the vote for those who live near it, and privatize those prisons so the corporate owners can kick back to your campaign

if you want you can even put police in schools to kick off the process before kids even old enough to vote

not that it’s limited to texas, but some certain ags are more than happy to take part


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