The Candy Hierarchy 2015: your essential guide to tonight's treats

Yeah, Dove is quite good, but Necco wafers? I say it every year: shims. They are nothing more than shims. Useful for leveling a wobbly couch, surely not intended for human consumption.


And US smarties are just leftover placebos from RCTs.


Anyone know what happened to the fizzy smarties? I always assumed they were Canadian.

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Ha! Very possibly. I still like 'em.

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When I said Necco, I didn’t necessarily mean the wafers! They make other stuff. I included them because, being in New England, Necco and Peter Paul are probably the two biggest candy companies which are actually local. Yet they were represented far less than the others I mentioned.

Poor quality is one complaint, but there is no accounting for individual taste. I find the sheer lack of variety to be a more grave concern.

My pardon… I had no idea! I hope their other stuff is better, and not just mismarketed machine-shop overstock.

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This mixture is THE BOMB and completely addictive:

The bulk chocolate malted milk yogurt balls - Dark Chocolate and Milk Chocolate in equal portions is preferred + white yogurt pretzels. Almost equal amounts, with the yogurt pretzel amount just slightly more - say, for every 15 malted milk balls you have about 18 yogurt pretzels.

You can find these bin candies sometimes in airports, and it is a very soothing thing to eat while navigating an airport.

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I was about to yell at you for never mentioning that you lived in the Chicagoland area, but I’m guessing you mean CT, don’t you? Darn…we coconut nuts have got to stick together!

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Proof positive that any two people can find common ground somewhere!

You position on licorice and coconut will be ignored from now on. :wink:


Wow. That sounds amazing.

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Thanks for the heads up. I won’t be sending you any of my coconut macaroons this year then. Or a case of coconut water, another tasty offering from the lovely Cocos nucifera.

If I had known about your longstanding coconut issues, I wouldn’t have brought this up. Perhaps I can just ask you to consider the coconut’s many talents…

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I think it’s more likely that few door-answering adults would be willing to part with them in the first place.

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Just noticed I was cited in a footnote! FYI/FWIW: My comment in response to “Please list any items not included above that give you DESPAIR” was “Chocolate coins and anything else that tastes like naphthalene.”


If anyone received and actually ate a Reggie Bar in 2015 it would immediately drop to the bottom of the list. They haven’t been made in about thirty years, and weren’t all that shelf stable.

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I can’t understand the hate for Goo Goo Clusters. It’s basically a circular Baby Ruth.

“Go get a Goo Goo… it’s g-o-o-o-o-d!”

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