The Clear Craze of the 90s: Remembering Zima



I went to the other orange-and-white UT, in Austin – while there, I sent off for a 'zine from Knoxville’s UT called The Lame Monkey Manifesto. Good stuff.

A few years after that – right around the time Zima became popular – there happened to be a small Knoxville diaspora in Austin, centered around the band Hominybob (two members of which were later in Drums & Tuba). I see some good soul has put their cassette online:

Not sure Lame Monkey or Hominybob will ring familiar to you… More recently, having finally at least driven thru Knoxville, I’ve had the pleasure and good fortune of eating shawarma and falafel from Yassin’s.

Anyway – before White Claw and Zima, we had (and, I suppose, we still have) wine coolers.


Jake Gyllenhaal Reaction GIF


Naturally, it was made in Memphis, as if it didn’t already have self-esteem problems.

drums and tuba I believe I saw on tour while I was in Knoxville, I definitely remember the name from listings and flyers. LMM and HB ring a bell but I think that’s because they were a bit before my tenure there. Yassins is after my time, Felafel Hut was the only middle eastern fare in town during my stay. despite the corny name it was respectable.

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You might still be able to buy unopened bottles of it on eBay, but “lava lamp juice”, well…

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Hey now…


I also liked Zima.

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That video reminds me that in the back of my fridge is an unopened can of Billy Beer from 1977! It used to have a twin, but one evening when we were having a party a friend’s 8 year old decided to crack it open (no idea why; we were all outside with a cooler full of beer, but it was inside the fridge). Don’t worry, she didn’t drink any of it. But we did.


ETA: While looking for that image I came across this:

I agree with their assessment, but I really doubt that the beer today resembles what went into the can at all. I assumed that some esterification and oxidation occurred in the can over 40+ years which deepened the color and gave it all of those fruit notes.


Crystal Pepsi! For some reason, I remembered it being called Pepsi Clear … and I liked it! I was sad to see it go.

I rarely drink soft drinks now. Too sweet. I wish there were a lightly sweetened version of soft drinks. I wonder if they would taste too much of chemicals if the sugar were knocked way down.

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