The Doctor's New Companion

This was my problem with Eccleston’s run as the Doctor, not Eccleston but his thick companions. When it was just Rose it was tolerable, but then we get her dim boyfriend and mother tagging along.


Do I need to flag you for being off-topic? If you’re just here to mock the nerds I think you can find a better place to do it…


Also, Tom Baker is great, I agree with everyone else there. Genesis of the Daleks is also a brilliant episode and I’ll second @d_r recommendation of City of Death - as it was written by Douglas Adams. Pirate Planet is another Adam’s written one, but it’s in the of the Key to Time season…


I’m an impossible fan–tom Baker is Who God, capaldi is an amazing actor, but I haven’t seen a single episode. The doctor/companion mix always seems like such a delightful stew. I loved eccleston, rose had good range but wasn’t my favorite, tenant took it to another level, I really enjoyed Martha, but I just didn’t care for Matt.

And I think I know why.

Matt is an excellent actor. And this may sound contradictory… I hated russel Davies writing. But I think he was an effective foil against moffat. In hindsight, Matt would have better been used with scripts that came from the apparent conflict of Davies and moffat than just moffat alone.

I am completely walking back an opinion I had a few years ago when I was a moffat fanboi.


Thank goodness I’m not the only one. I want to watch it, but getting started is a daunting task.


You shut your fucking mouth and have a jelly baby!



Right? Thank you. Every time we talk about it in our house, the conversation covers some predictable steps:

Should we start Dr. Who finally?

I want to. So do I.

Where do we start?

How many seasons are there again?

So, at the beginning, right?

Well, I heard …


Wow, maybe not now. Yeah, let’s do it though. Just not now.

[Cats look back and forth as though at a ping pong tournament.]


Yep. That guy made me watch All Creatures Great and Small for my fix.

Funny trivia from the new series, but the doctors daughter, Jenny, in The Doctors Daughter, is Davisons daughter Georgia. And she should come back and be on the show. She was awesome. That was another good episode.


Either start with Rose. Or start with the first episode of Capaldi. Either way, you can work your way back if you want to. Just be aware that Capaldi is intentionally playing him rough for the first several episodes.

But my gosh I like his attitude better than the last two (teen girl) doctors.

ETA: The companions Capaldi starts with, the three in Georgian London. They’re amazing recurring characters who really could have their own show.


Pick a doctor any one really, then just pick an episode… watch. If you like it watch more, if not so much try a different doctor.
One bonus to the new series is the story pacing is much better even the above mentioned Inferno while good drags out things it doesn’t really need to.


And she’s married to David Tennant. Which I didn’t know until yesterday.


I honestly expected her to show up in The Doctors Wife.

But that turned out to be another amazing one, and was written by a Neil Gaiman.

Ok, I knew I was a nerd about this, but I had no idea I was this nerd about it.


My Halloween costume is a homemade 4th Doctor outfit. Right down to my dad’s old red velvet smoking jacket (right era, even!) onto which I sewed elbow patches.



Something which is exploited as a plot device in the hilarious The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot:


Everybody’s like, “Doctor Who is so complicated! I don’t know where to start!”

But a reasonable response is, “The complexity doesn’t matter. He’s a crazy man with a time machine. That’s all you need to know. Just jump in anywhere. It’s fine.”

Really Doctor Who is not any harder to understand than Sharknado.


I’m still trying to wrap my brain around how it was that Sharknado was green-lit in the first place, so that may not be a good point of comparison.


I’m most certainly one of the nerds, having been soldering together memory and I/O boards for my Apple II back in high school in the early '80s. (In our Science and Science Fiction club we met both Carl Sagan AND William Shatner!) I watched a bunch of the Tom Baker episodes back in the day, and a bunch of the new ones.

I’m not sure how mocking Sharknado translates to “mocking the nerds.”

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I’m not sure how talking about Sharknado is on topic…

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