The Fall of Roe v Wade & the Insidious Fascist Plot to Make All Women into Mere Broodmares

It’s always about dehumanizing women:


And of course, the former"Democrat" Joe Manchin just refused to endorse her on that basis. Without the filibuster, he wouldn’t have had anywhere the destructive influence he did on the Dems.




“Unfortunately, as demonstrated by the overtly partisan nature of the title, it appears that the purpose of today’s hearing is to score political points against the former president," said Sen. Mike Crapo of Idaho, a Republican.

  1. I guess we should take this seriously, as Republicans are definitely authorities on “overtly partisan investigations,” now aren’t they?

  2. Sen Mike Crapo, nominative determinism in action.

  3. Reports of women being turned away, several Republicans argued, are the result of misinformation or misunderstanding of abortion laws.

Nope, poorly written laws functioning exactly as intended.




One of the most threatening dimensions of these programs is that they threaten to make doctors and other medical professionals — who might give counsel on or simply know about a woman’s plans to obtain an abortion — responsible for reporting her actions. If you visit your OB-GYN and discuss traveling to another state to get an abortion, does your OB have to report you to the local sheriff? It applies to third parties who might assist a woman either in traveling to get an abortion or getting FDA-approved medications to induce an abortion at home. The cases we’ve already seen range the gamut from sheriff’s departments wanting to pull medical and travel records for evidence of pregnancies that ended for unexplained reasons, gaps in menstruation, trips out of state that coincided with a pregnancy not brought to term.

While this sounds outrageous, we are already mandatory reporters in cases of child (or elder in some states) neglect or abuse. All you have to do is redefine a zygote as a person and Bob’s your uncle! Then it just becomes how aggressive are they in going after “scofflaw” docs. I suspect given the chance they would love to “make an example” to enforce their domination. And, incidentally, to drive more and more docs out of red states. Also, I suspect, as intended.


Something good to come out of this:

Stevie Nicks wrote “The Lighthouse” as a response to the reversal of Roe v. Wade.

She’ll be performing it on SNL, I guess tonight.


The lawsuit alleges that Providence only allows the procedure if the mother’s life is in immediate danger of death by which time intervention can be too late.

For anyone having trouble parsing this sort of rule, if the mom survives, there is no way to prove that she was in imminent risk of death. This is one of those “heads I win, tails you lose” kind of rules. The pregnant person cannot depend on the docs involved to give a damn about her health.

Instead, Nusslock alleges Providence staff gave her a bucket and towels "in case something happens in the car" and told her to drive 12 miles to a small community hospital where doctors were allowed to perform the procedure.

Case in point.


So they KNEW it was an emergency situation, or they wouldn’t have given her those things.



At least here, the worst that can happen to the providers is the docs/nurses/whoever gets fired. In way too many states, they face loss of their license to practice, fines or even up to life in prison if they are deemed to have violated the law. And, as I said, if the mom survives, you cannot prove she would have died. It just comes down to how much of a prick does the prosecutor want to be? And that will often depend on their political ambition. It’s very much a War Games sort of situation for the docs. Which is why they are fleeing the red states en mass.



The only winning move is to vote like our lives and our country depend on it.

Black Lives Matter Justice GIF by Amanda Cee Media


From my read, the issue here is the hospital is a Catholic hospital in a state where abortions are legal. So it was hospital policy that put this woman’s life at risk, and other women as well. This is even worse than a refusal to treat in a state with draconian abortion laws that would result in the health care providers being fined, losing their licences, or jailed for years to life.
This was the hospital putting religion before the well being and health of their patients.

When I was pregnant, my OB warned me to get familiar with the local hospitals. If there was an emergency and I couldn’t get to the hospital he worked from, then I needed to insist on a hospital that wasn’t run as a religious one.

Catholic hospitals do this all the time. Religion shouldn’t be involved in health care


One important caveat: if it’s a Jewish hospital, it’s safe to go there.



Idiots. Providence is hanging on by a thread financially. Getting sued by the patient or the state is like playing with a giant pair of flaming scissors.


Earlier this year, an appeals court blocked an attempt by Silva’s attorney to collect information from his ex-wife for the wrongful death lawsuit against her friends. The decision was upheld by the Texas Supreme Court, which criticized Silva in the footnotes of a concurring opinion signed by two of its conservative justices, Jimmy Blacklock and Phillip Devine.

“He has engaged in disgracefully vicious harassment and intimidation of his ex-wife,” the opinion read. “I can imagine no legitimate excuse for Marcus’s behavior as reflected in this record, many of the details of which are not fit for reproduction in a judicial opinion.”