The formula for defeating a Trump dictatorship: "Unite the Democrats, split the Republicans"

Yeah, Representative Dean Phillips is probably the only non-Biden Democrat who has made a serious effort to get onto the primary ballots in most states, and based on a recent interview that I heard, I’m not sure if some of Biden’s biggest critics on the left will find him to be much more appealing, other than the fact that he’s younger.

For example, the Pod Save America guys gave him a bit of a grilling on the fact that he’s vocally pushing for sending offensive military aid to Israel with no conditions whatsoever, and doesn’t seem to be particularly concerned about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Biden certainly hasn’t been great on that issue but this guy sounds worse.

I think Biden is very likely to remain the best available option in the 2024 election, unfortunately.


Phillips is clearly to the right of Biden, so anyone who wants to vote for him is either a never Trump Republican/Independent, or is completely unaware of Phillips politics and is supporting him solely because he’s not Biden. The only other declared major candidate in the Democratic Party is Marianne Williamson, and I’m sorry, but New Age Woo-Woo is not going to fix any of our problems.


By all appearances currently, it will be Biden or Trump. Biden has shown himself to be more acceptable to me than i expected after 4 years, and Nazis are bad. So the decision (should) be easy. I can only hope that folks can understand that whatever places they find Biden lacking, and there are plenty, Trump would be so, so much worse. Anyone on the left not voting, is passively supporting the fascists. And i have heard the “lesser of two evils is still evil, and i won’t support evil” argument, i just reject it out of hand when the greater evil involves eradication of LGBTQ populations, relegating women to subhuman property and elevating the wealthy to god-status.


Florida Democratic party just cancelled the Democratic primary, which is one way of uniting the party, I suppose.

and if for some reason that doesn’t sway people :confused: the very real possibility of it being the last presidential election certainly should

■■■■■ isn’t going to give up power if he gets it back.


Not especially democratic but also not unusual when there’s an incumbent in office. They did the same thing when Obama ran for reelection in 2012.


To add to this, and I don’t mean to get us too off topic, but that same approach of refusing to do anything that supports the lesser of two evils is literally never present in our dialogues, outside of voting in elections.
Like, we all know the harms of factory farmed meat, but I’m sure these same “non voters” will buy the stuff if it’s between that or no meat for the family. Or, we know how much our other decisions impact the planet, yet every day, we’re all making choices that are choosing between the lesser of two evils, because that’s the world we live in!
We do the best in the situation we’re living in.
It makes me crazy that so many somehow separate “voting” from “voting with your dollars” or time, or whatever it might be. They’re all ways we have to choose between sometimes shitty options.
I guess the difference is that, for some, not voting in elections isn’t a hardship, whereas not “voting” in those other ways is a hardship? IDFK.


And there was no Republicsn primary when Trump was incumbent. I don’t think this is any cause for outrage.


To be fair, there actually was. But it wouldn’t have been unusual if they had skipped it.

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Did not know that. They voted to cancel the primary here in 2020, guess i thought that was a general thing. It appears to be a state by state thing.

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I wonder if their commitment to not compromising extends to getting out of bed in the morning. I, for one, fall short of The Ideal almost every day.

And just because I remembered, & wanted to find it again:

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Is the Ideal getting out of bed, or not getting out of bed?
Or does it depend on who you’d vote for :wink:

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