The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

If corporations are people, Boeing is one big lying asshole.


That might be the scariest looking mugshot I have ever seen. Damn!!


“The victim stated she was walking home from the bus stop when Allison Coronado (suspect) tried to hit her with a white Ford Explorer while shouting ‘run fatty’ at the victim,” the report says.

Some jackasses never grow out of being the HS bully do they…



Mothers Day Mom GIF by Mean Girls


I mean, that was just an assassination right there. Warren eviscerated that guy. Gutted him like a fish, right there in front of everybody.

And now, even if he gets the appointment against Warren’s objections, he’s fucked. If he benefits Clover with his actions as trustee, he can be immediately hit with ethics charges and possibly fraud against the US govt. If he hurts Cliver in his actions as trustee, they can sue his ass for breach of fiduciary duty. He can’t claim he didn’t know, it was a mistake, he did it on accident because she just laid it all right in front of him.

Usually, when you are on fire, the advice is to stop drop and roll, but I’d suggest Kouzoukas just get as far away from Liz Warren as possible and take his chances with the flames.


I’ve seen some things that made me think this was the case though never paid much attention to it, but Substack kinda sucks.

The sad and plain truth is that the Venn diagram of the highest-earners on Substack and the worst people on Substack isn’t exactly a circle, but it’s pretty close. And Substack uses the good reputations of thoughtful, justice-minded people (and just regular folks trying to make a living!) to obfuscate and legitimize the fact that what’s keeping the platform afloat — and indeed, what makes it attractive to techy investors — isn’t a frank and fair exchange of ideas on the open intellectual marketplace, but some of the most actively dangerous, presently harmful, and expressly fascist politics and policies at play in the world today: white supremacy, transphobia, and anti-science/anti-vaccination propaganda.

But a lot of Substack’s name-brand writers — certainly its most profitable — are outright and unapologetic fascists, racists, Nazis, and transphobes, and Substack doesn’t just not mind it, but actively courts, cultivates, and pays those writers to produce the deliberately controversial and often expressly offensive content that drives traffic and dollars to the system. I’m not sure how many Substack writers and readers know that cultivating dangerous, fringe ideas is so absolutely essential to Substack’s business model — I didn’t know it myself, really, and it’s my job as a media critic to pay attention to that sort of thing.

It really just got to a point recently where I couldn’t justify using my writing — and my subscribers’ money — to fund the work of Substack’s banner assholes. I’m under no illusion that there’s nothing in or on the vast world of WordPress I might find loathsome, but at least here I’m not forced to contribute 10% of my earnings directly to Substack’s doofusy c-suite Bay Area tech bros so that they can shore up a business model that is expressly built on recruiting, defending, retaining, and promoting some of the most odious assholes publishing in the English language today, such as: white supremacist Richard Hanania (who recently appeared on Substack co-founder Hamish McKenzie’s hypey podcast), anti-vaxxer Robert Malone, and transphobe Graham Linehan (whose bigotry was so odious he actually managed to get himself kicked off of Twitter). There’s also Bari Weiss, the right-wing scold cosplaying as a journalist who’s made a lucrative career out of complaining about being canceled, and noted creepo/liar/Elon Musk apologist Matt Taibbi. And there’s Freddie deBoer, the contrarian dipshit who’s so far left that he’s fully wanked himself into the good graces of some of American media’s highest-profile right-wing assholes, and the king bozo of ~ just-asking-questions ~, Matt Yglesias. The list really, really goes on.

Add to that roundtable of chucklefuckery the fact that Substack’s management can only be described as somewhere on the spectrum between willfully ignorant and gleefully unconcerned when it comes to content moderation, with a downright enthusiastic tolerance for bigotry on the platform that has driven many writers away, and much sooner than me. I’m not connecting any unseen dots here; Substack CEO Chris Best is open about all of this. It wasn’t any one of these things that prompted me to finally pack up and leave, but rather the whole ecosystem amid our fucked-up political climate.


Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) celebrated the passage of her amendment to the agriculture appropriations bill that bans the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) from educating its leadership about LGBTQ+ employees in order to make LGBTQ+ employees feel safer in the workplace.

The amendment passed by just three votes in the House. One Democrat – Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (D-PA) – voted for it.

emphasis mine


Here’s hoping this is how his next meeting with his constituents looks…

rage GIF


McCarthy’s last-ditch plan to keep the government open collapses, making a shutdown almost certain

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Whatever happened to Substack Notes, their Twitter clone? After the April launch, there’s been no news, which is not a good sign.


It still exists, but I’m not sure if anyone uses it


The cops got to press the “easy” button yesterday.

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How nasty- stealing from a charity fund that was supposed to be going to a youth group:


And then you’ve got ten Nazis extremists around the table.