The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

The guy who shot and killed the judge is still on the run.

The chilling effects of criminalising exploratory conversations between a therapist and a young person that could be perceived as denying their identity will only make the holistic therapy recognised as critical by the Cass review even harder to access. Campaigners will have no qualms about misrepresenting unclear law to tell clinicians, therapists and parents they may be committing a criminal offence and subject to “conversion therapy protection orders” unless they immediately affirm a child as trans. Redefining exploratory therapy as something that sounds as terrible as “conversion therapy” to turn it into a criminal offence is a blunt campaigning tactic, one that any government concerned for the welfare of children with gender dysphoria must resist.


The book, called “Cause Unknown,” was co-published by an anti-vaccine group led by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., President John F. Kennedy’s nephew, who is now running for president. Kennedy wrote the foreword and promoted the book, tweeting that it details data showing “ COVID shots are a crime against humanity.”

The Faheys couldn’t understand how Braden’s face appeared on the book’s cover, or why his name appeared inside it.

Braden never received the vaccine. His death in August 2022 was due to a malformed blood vessel in his brain. No one ever contacted them to ask about their son’s death, or for permission to use the photo. No one asked to confirm the date of his death — which the book misdated by a year. When the Faheys and residents of their town in California tried to contact the publisher and author to get Braden and his picture taken out of the book, no one responded.

“We reached out in every way possible,” Gina Fahey told The Associated Press in an emotional interview. “We waited months and months to hear back, and nothing.”

How could a member of one of the most influential political dynasties in American history be involved in such a shoddy, irresponsible project, the Faheys wondered?


RFK jr is taking after his grandfather?


A ton of folks on BB: ‘Twitter is the worst place on earth.’

Me: Um, I think you guys are forgetting that Kick exists and that’s something to consider too

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There’s a lot of scum down there like Rumble, Parler, Gab, Truth Social, 4chan, 8kun, Kiwi Farms, FrankSpeech, Stormfront etc.


Violence-as-a-service gig economy makes a hit, takes a hit.


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Sonia Sodha wrote that, is my bet.


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Gun in airline luggage. Check
Unlicensed gun. Check
Obnoxious behavior. Check


Another NJ man.


An astute observation on book banners, in the middle of a long rambly post:

My Facebook friend Jennifer Sheridan (who designed the t-shirt I’m wearing in my FB profile photo) wrote:

I think I have figured out something important about the Book Banners.

When I was a kid in school, I was a book nerd, and my friends were book nerds, and we all knew which books had “dirty parts.” We would read them, probably giggle a bit, and then get on with our lives. No one ever made a big deal about it, it was nothing.

And I realize looking back, that if you weren’t a book nerd in school, you probably don’t know there have ALWAYS been library books that had dirty parts.

If you are a grown person now, and are hearing “filthy” passages from some books that are popular today, you might find it shocking that books with those kinds of passages can be found in public school libraries.

But because you didn’t read as a kid, you think this is all something new. It isn’t new; you’ve just shown you never cared about books.

I’ll just add that I went to a religious elementary school, so I knew where all the dirty parts of the Bible were.


… or apparently as adults, given the rush to instantly accept the ban lists w/o actually having read the books yourself.


On Monday, several prominent anti-trans accounts announced the republication of a previously retracted paper supporting the notion of “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” a pseudoscientific explanation for gender dysphoria. Notably, the republication didn’t appear in the original journal, The Archives of Sexual Behavior , but rather in a nascent, scarcely known journal titled The Journal of Open Inquiry in the Behavioral Sciences . Established merely two months ago, this journal aims to challenge “progressive bias” and “academic capture” by “radicals and activists.” A closer look into the journal’s history exposes questionable practices and underscores yet another instance of those opposing gender-affirming care for trans youth erecting facades that mimic unbiased scientific rigor, only to camouflage an ulterior motive against transgender care.

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That is all the reasoning you need. This is a NewsMax-dressed-as-science-journal bullshit. Of course, now that they have their own journals and “professional” organizations, doing our homework on their idiocy has gotten a bit harder.


“The lead author has a B.Sc, a B.Ed, and oh yeah, the name is a pseudonym…”
