The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

Not that he has to worry about Saudi Arabia, unless he loses their funds.

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From the article: “a retired school counselor“

Odds are there are more victims, if the local authorities care to look


“ On “The Dinosaur Hour,” Cleese said: “KGB News came to me with the best offer I’ve ever had from a TV company. Normally,…… yada yada yada….”

If you feel you aren’t getting silenced now it’s because KGB news like your Pravda, comrade Cleese.

I watched a Monty Python a few years ago. Very obviously written by white English posh boys. It wasn’t so much that it was casually racist as it was hugely informed by the idea that imperialism was about bringing grown up civilisation to a bunch of fractious children.


Exactly, I was waiting for the article to say he was a youth minister.

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Rumble host and X influencer Stew Peters calls for shooting Catholic Charities workers

Peters also called for the murder of doctors who provide gender-affirming care

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OK, let me guess. Pro-family, anti-LGBTQ, “protect the children,” all the other projectionism right wing talking points. Do I win a cookie?


A fourth foster child in their care died, but the Jacksons weren’t charged with his death. At trial, the Jacksons’ lawyers argued that the children had preexisting health problems, and said the couple’s child-rearing methods may have been unconventional but weren’t criminal.

fire rage GIF


Just another criminal in the employ of Netanyahu:

The former general, appointed by Prime Minister Netanyahu, is barred from employment as a civil servant due to his indictment two years ago for serious tax offenses.

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How did we get here? A short history of Right-wing thinktanks, and how they’re all connected and have all been working to the same goal.

Guess what that goal is. Go on, guess.


Is it to make my life better?

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According to its website, it is not named after Ayn Rand’s novel Atlas Shrugged.[21]

Its website has that as a frequently asked question, and answers no with no further details. That feels somehow less convincing than if they had said nothing?


“You know, it was like a call to arms and small towns,” Crawford said, summarizing the backlash Aldean faced. “It was a threatening kind of video for Black people, I mean, people were putting this on like, TikTok.”

“But there was people of all color doing stuff in the video,” Aldean said. “That’s what I don’t understand. You know, there was white people in there. There was Black people. I mean, this video did not shine light on one specific group and say, that’s the problem. So anybody that saw that in the video, then you weren’t looking hard enough in the video is all I can tell you.”

He said that he was basically pointing out those people instead of those people. Not black, but urban.

Sure Jan GIF


I’ll never forget the absolutely scathing review the book got in White Dwarf back back in the day (David Brin, IIRC).


We all know what “Urban” means :roll_eyes:


If the best one can say it wasn’t technically illegal…

routinely beating their young foster children and denying them food and water as punishment

I would argue with “wasn’t technically illegal.” The actions described are absolutely illegal, doubly so for kids in foster care. I think they are trying to justify not charging murder or manslaughter for these guys, but citing pre-existing medical conditions as an excuse for beating and starving the kid who subsequently died does not fly in my book.


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