The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

'To see sexuality in my image of Christ, you must be mad,’ he said, insisting there was ‘nothing’ in his painting that ‘has not already been represented in artworks dating back hundreds of years’.

I don’t think it’s madness, particularly with the bare hips. Though I do believe the painter may not have intended to make something based on his child sexy. That probably feels a bit icky for him now. It’s a beautiful, if very white, image.

Effiminent is quite the stretch though.


It maybe reveals more about the critics’ inner thoughts than the actual image.



We said grace before every meal. My mother was a terrible cook. She used to boil chopped meat. She hated little children, but they couldn’t use birth control. Let me explain this one more time. Birth control is wrong because God, whatever you may think about the wisdom involved, created sex for the purpose of procreation, not recreation. Everything in this world has a purpose. We eat food to feed our bodies. We don’t eat and then make ourselves throw up immediately afterward, do we? So it should be with sex. Either it is done for its proper purpose, or it is just so much throwing up, morally speaking.

Next question. “Do nuns go to the bathroom?” Yes.

“Was Jesus effeminate?”


“Assholes” here being whoever posted that on Imgur.

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I like it, but it is kind of a miss for me that this representation is very white looking


The normie focused article I promised to circle back around to that explains that shitshow along with a follow up of what happened

The parent company’s stock has been bleeding out the ass the past few days losing well over 150 million dollars USD along with setting off an Bloomberg terminal warning because of this clownfuckery

(a more in-depth look at the financials on reddit)

Plus she said last night that she has lawyered up because Nijisanji have broke a shit ton of japanese labor laws and I hope she bleeds what’s left of that company dry


I don’t understand the message. When one opened around here, I checked to make sure that it didn’t have a Christian nationalist problem like a certain other one. It seemed more inclusive in their locations. :man_shrugging:

Are they trying to say that if a place doesn’t have a Church’s Chicken, then it isn’t very good, or what?

I’d bet a lot that the poster is white, and associates Church’s Chicken with black people (no matter the racial demographics of their customers).

I’d bet their thinking went something like this: If a (white) person is in a place that’s so “crime ridden” that “even a Church’s had to shut down, AND board up its windows,” well that (white) person is in a wrong (a dangerous) place.

To me, the post reeks of the racist fear that Tromp dredges up in his MAGAts when he pulls out his “Democrat-run Chicago is overrun with crime!” card. Granted, Tromp may be more aware of his racism (as a strategy) than whoever that poster is.


that is exactly how i took your post to read. rascist AF.


Is it not normal practice to board up the windows of derelict sites? Like there are some around the corner from me. And there were ones across the road from me when we were living in the posh area a couple of kilometres away (they’ve just started building there ten years later. Probate and disputes can be mad.)

In general when I see a derelict site I do extrapolate the existence of an asshole though. A greedy asshole with too much money and greed who needs to be bled dry with derelict site taxes.

But that’s just my town maybe.


Is it not normal practice to board up the windows of derelict sites?

Probably so, but that’s not why a scared tighty whitey in the U.S. thinks that windows are boarded up like that in a “bad part of the city.”


Hit the nail(s) on the head there.
It’s a bog-standard depiction of Jesus. He’s just in his crucifixion get-up rather than the robe he’s usually in for that kind of pose.

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Sounds like they are taking a “boys will be boys” type attitude. “Yeah, he could have been killed by this “prank,” but it was all in fun, and he didn’t die, so no harm no foul. Play on” This sucks ass on so many levels…

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I’m late to this thread, but they boarded up the local Taco Bell here for rennovation. That didn’t stop people on social media from speculating that it closed because of crime. These posts mentioned burned portions and broken windows which did not exist.


Yep. Scared tightie whities.

white rollers


Are they over-grazing the public commons? What a tragedy!