The Gallery of Just Plain Assholes (Part 2)

Pop Tv GIF by Schitt's Creek


“The irony of watching [the Krasinski] commercial and it being almost like a metaphor for what’s happening right now, is that he’s like, dancing on our rights and our livelihood,” says Canadian commercial actor Paloma Nunez.

Indeed, seeing Krasinski in the Rogers ad has to be a kick of mud to the face of ACTRA, which fully supported the SAG-AFTRA strikes last year in the U.S.

Thus, to see a successful American actor like Krasinski appearing in a Canadian commercial is not only demoralizing but also just kind of a bad look. But hey, IF 2 ain’t gonna fund itself!



Newspaper headline soft-pedals this one. It should read- fraudster and serial liar embezzles from charity, gets away with it.


Angry Rooster Teeth GIF by Achievement Hunter


Donald Glover Reaction GIF

they should do a Mick Foley movie instead…

mick foley wrestling GIF by WWE

or an Andre the giant movie…

andre the giant angel GIF by Scorpion Dagger

Ric Flair?

ric flair GIF

Jerry Lawler?

andy kaufman snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

I’m thinking, tho, that after the Iron Claw movie, I’m guessing that there is going to be a whole bunch of movies about pro-wrestlers from the 80s and early 90s (prior to the take over by the WWF/E)… Probably lots of great stories to mine there for films.


And nothing of value will be missed.

Bored Nothing GIF


OK, so this is blurred because it is just outrageously offensive and refers to horrendous animal abuse. I post to refer to this line:

The recent arrest in Paris of Telegram’s chief executive, Pavel Durov, was apparently due to Telegram’s unwillingness to help French investigators stop a brazen series of illicit online activities, many of which flourish on services like Telegram and WhatsApp. The monkey crush cases are a reminder of the reality of that claim—these services are indeed where illicit business goes to get done.

The fact that this shit exists makes me think that humanity is a vanishing thing, and assholes are not.


I think an Andre The Giant movie has a lot of potential. He had a pretty turbulent, complicated life, but he outlived a condition that should have killed him early in life. And despite his struggles he achieved greatness, and there’s a lot to learn from what he went through.

My selfish wish would be for a movie of him to be animated, because casting someone as big as him would difficult and likely require CG. So might as well commit to it and go for an animated look.


I’m so sad crimes like that happen, I wonder what unmet needs such people have that they turn to such things. I think as a species we need to value the emotional, social, and intellectual development of our children and each other much more highly.


Such an open embrace of corruption



some people are just cruel assholes. Not everyone acts like an ass out of trauma… And plenty of people who suffered trauma never do a cruel thing in their lives. Besides which, it’s not like there aren’t plenty of avenues for understanding the moral and ethical implications of one’s actions once one is an adult. Most people know what is right and what is not, and plenty of people make the choice to do the wrong thing, because they think it’s fun. :woman_shrugging:


Too many corporations are quick to promise change and donations, but fail to deliver on both fronts. I’m curious to learn more about the database mentioned in this article:


I agree, but most of us (I hope) don’t wake up one morning and start ordering videos like the ones described in the article. I’m wondering perhaps if symptoms or precursors to such behaviours could be identified earlier and those so afflicted could be supported into a life with much less cruelty.

Yes. But some people are just lifelong assholes. In fact, white (yes, yes, not ALL white people I know, and YES, some white people were victims, I KNOW) people have been doing cruel shit for several centuries now, systemically, in the name of god and the almighty dollar. We have a system that, in fact, demands dehumanization and cruelty to “get ahead”… Maybe instead of assuming literally everything awful some white person does must be driven by trauma or mental illness (which, as in this story, is used to excuse the behavior and get the person a slap on the wrist so that they can do it all again coughliketrumpcough), maybe we can hold them fucking accountable for what they did and then maybe see if they want some kind of therapy to see if they have trauma or a mental illness, etc… but how about we hold them accountable FIRST and ensure that whoever they might have hurt is actually protected FROM the person being an asshole? :woman_shrugging:

From the article, and I’m going to spoiler this, because WTAF…

>In a truly heinous example of global, Internet-based outsourcing, the “client ideas” were funneled to an unnamed minor in Indonesia, who, for a few hundred US dollars sent via Western Union, would procure the monkeys, film their torture, and send the videos back to the Americans.

So, there IS someone the story who probably needs support for trauma, but it’s not the assholes demanding this shit and it’s not the asshole who made it possible…


Good lord, and these are the people charged with enforcing the law.

Medina said he “purposefully did not record because he was invoking his 5th Amendment right not to self-incriminate.” Since “he was involved in a traffic collision,” he reasoned, he was “subject to 5th Amendment protections.”

Just to be clear, that’s not how that works. Here’s the relevant part of the 5th Amendment:

nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself

If you haven’t been charged with a crime, or aren’t being investigated under suspicion of having committed a crime, there is no 5th Amendment protection against self incrimination.

He also made another bizarre claim:

He “cited intermittent conversations with his wife, who was a passenger in his unmarked patrol vehicle at the time of the collision,” Ortiz says. “He claimed there was a right to privileged communication between spouses, which specifically exempted him from mandatory recording requirements.”

Spousal privilege protects you in court. Period. In civil cases, in most states, one spouse can prevent the other spouse from testifying about any private communications between them. In criminal cases, however, in most states, the witness spouse can choose to testify if they want to. It’s a privilege that the witness spouse can choose to waive, in other words. Regardless, it doesn’t apply to an officer turning off his body cam. If his job requires him to have his body cam on, that just means that any conversation he has with his wife while that cam is on isn’t private, and spousal privilege wouldn’t apply.

This asshole’s fundamental misunderstanding of how the law works should disqualify him from holding the job of Police Chief.


I agree with you on all points. We live in a system where that shit is possible and it shouldn’t be. I was thinking more about preventative measures. Which would need large structural changes to our societies. For example poverty does not excuse what was happening in Indonesia but I think it does make such crimes more likely to occur. Same goes for poor emotional/social development in the west.