The Jerry Springer Show ends production

Anybody who wonders how the US wound up with Trump as President need look no further than the long-term success of this show. If more than two people out of a million watch crap like this, the country is in serious trouble.

Pardon me as I call bullshit. This is the same kind of argument leveled against video games and comic books. “It’ll rot your brain”

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Since both Springer and Rikki Lake have been brought up… this is actually pretty entertaining:


I didn’t say it would rot your brain. Its success, however, is evidence that such rot is not merely present, but present in a significant amounts.

You can call whatever you want. You’ll still be wrong.

No good thread about trash TV can go without Wally George.


To my ears, ‘Signal to Noise’ is the best song Gabriel has done in the last twenty years.

This sounds like a sweeping statement until you realize that the only collection of new work that falls within this window is 2002’s Up.

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Springer thread still going?


If this is really Jerry Springer saying this- he may have redeemed himself in my eyes. If that is really him I would have never guessed he didn’t think like a piece of trash.

Again if that is actually him my apologies to you Jerry that’s a pretty stand-up attitude and sums up pretty much exactly how I feel about Donald Trump

I can’t believe thats real, this is the only time I have ever enjoyed watching trash TV show hosts. Never expected Jerry Springer to freestyle rap. Impressive

But he was exploiting morons, both the guests and the audience. I can’t forgive him that.

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I cannot even stand the ads for this show. I certainly cannot imagine watching even a small part of it.

And let’s not forget Joe Pyne

Despite his trashy TV show (not that there’s anything wrong with that), Springer has been pretty outspoken with his progressive views since his time in politics back in the 1970s.


In the interest of a more civil society, let me be one of the few people who says openly I apologize to Jerry Springer because I must have completely misunderstood him because of his show.

Honestly I had no clue of any of this my only judgment of him was based solely on the kind of show he hosted having seen a few of them.

The more you know.


I love that song.


I lived in Chicago when Jerry was taping there and knew a lot of audience members. I can’t speak for the guests, but the audience was in on the joke.

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I wondered whether my memory had just stuck that thought in as a defense mechanism, but yes I remember that too. Early shows seemed to be thoughtful, reasoned discussion but then one day someone got mad and shouted and threw a chair and from then on it was all shouting and chair-throwing all the time, and went from fairly legitimate social topics to suddenly the leftovers that the Weekly World News had turned down. But that’s also when it got hugely popular, which may be the real lesson of the show.




Wally George was a nut; I used to love watching that show just for laughs. Then I’d fall asleep on the couch watching Night Flight on the USA Network.

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There was only every one episode of this that i once happened to watch that i liked, and have never been able to find it again, there was a guy, who was arguing over money with his wife who was paying some guy to cut his lawn and a woman to clean their house, and had a locked room in the basement that his wife was never allowed to go into because it was full of expensive audio equipment…

Turns out it was sex dungeon and the lad who was cutting the grass was his dog, and he wanted the misses to come into his 3 some to make it a 4 some…

The “gardener” then comes on stage, on all 4s and pretends to be his dog, i have looked for it before, but i have no idea how to find jerry episodes, any one know how?