The joy of stainless steel taco holders

I’m hoping you have a trick for how to cook muffins using taco holders now that my muffin tins have been conscripted…


Not to get too deep into it, but he also has a green bean frencher, because he likes his green beans frenched, and there’s no other use he can come up for it. His rule does state that you are allowed unitaskers, you just have to use them six times a year, excepting large appliances (waffle makers) which are allowed twice a year use.


You could have the grossest thing I ever tried in college: Beef taco muffins.

Problem solved.

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I think that tops my high school cafeteria’s peanut butter and jelly tacos… :astonished:

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There was lettuce cooked inside that corn muffin. It was the worst idea for a Sunday morning I ever saw. People never believe that this happened, but it was memorable to me in several ways, mostly because of the name alone.

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Oh, I am sooooo not Googling that… :astonished:

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I’ve tried looking them up, I think it was a culinary student trying something out on a captive audience.



Wait, so I have to set my kitchen on fire twice a year to keep my fire extinguisher?

(Maybe I can use a fondue pot filled with sand instead…)


I hope there’s tacos in hell :grin:

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Oh no, you should just keep it in the dining room and the kitchen is kept pure.

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There are, but they’re Taco Bell Cool Ranch Doritos tacos. :slight_smile:

And the only thing to drink is warm Tab cola.


Crunchy tacos you make at home are awesome. It’s so easy to make them well, I really don’t understand why fast food tacos are so damned bad.

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also, you can turn it over and use them to make lasagna cups, then you don’t need to shell out $40 for the ‘all edges lasagna pan’. Or all-edge brownies. Multi-use tools are the best. The opposite of the UNIX philosophy.

That might be a good idea. It always startles my family when I spill nothing on my shirt.


Potato tacos? What the hell are those!? Some kind of open face pierogi?

I have a theory that every culture has its taco. It is my dream to one day open a restaurant that features all of them.


But seriously, eat what you will and call it what you wan’t.
[size=10]There’s plenty of other things we can make fun of anyways :dark_sunglasses:[/size]


Do I have to do everything?


Basically dressed up mashed potatoes in taco form…

My mother in law makes them all the time. She mixes shredded chicken in half of them and leaves the others with just taters. Her homemade salsa along with some shredded cabbage, radish slices, cheese, and a wedge of avocado finish them off.


Really the two taco version is the one taco version inverted. Though I seriously want to get into the taco holder business just so that I can sell the same taco holder flipped at double the price and see how many people buy it. I seriously, seriously, want to try this.