And just today (yesterday):
While being at it:
That’s a map. I am reasonably sure.
Is it map day at BB?
It’s the invasion map for when the inhabitants of the Hollow Earth finally rise to the surface.
… wasn’t there a thing where in the “Oz” books the maps have west and east reversed?
and it was actually just a mistake but they left it in because it enhanced the otherworldliness?
… on the TV show they seemed to think the southern half was Iberia
Clearly they’ve never been to Donegal
I was reading an article about medieval humoral theory that has this illustration.
For context: Süden= south, Osten = east, Norden = north, Westen = west. The other labels aren’t relevant.
Just…why? Even if you want the South on top (or the East, as is common in medieval maps) just rotate it rather than…this
Perhaps it’s looking up at the sky?
Similarly unsettling, reposted to annoy @anon61221983, @tcg550, and @ClutchLinkey
ETA also @Mister44 and probably others