The overwhelming glee of a woman enjoying her new Chewbacca mask

NPR is on it, and apparently she’s in talks to monetize the video:

Ah, yes, I had C3-PO. In 1977? I think?

I actually can’t remember if I had this one, or the one that actually looked like his torso instead, but I feel like it might have been this one.


My mom did this with a row of those Halloween toys that go “oooOOOOOoooo” and shake when you make a noise. She picked one up, was like “This thing is stupid” and then banged it back down onto the metal shelf. Whereupon the entire shelf of 50+ toys went off. My hysterical cackles of laughter did not make things less chaotic.


I had that C3-PO too after Star Wars came out. In spite of the gold color in the picture the mask suffered from almost the same level of transparency as Boba Fett.

I also distinctly remember a woman saying to me, “I’ve seen another little boy who looked just like you.” I thought but didn’t say, “Lady, do you have any idea how popular Star Wars is? It’s surprising you’ve only seen two of us.”


All those terrible costumes that have a picture of the character on the chest just crack me up all the time!

“Yeah, I"m Boba Fett! I’ve got the mask and the armour, and a big picture of myself on my chest just like the real one!”


It’s missing something, though… Shouldn’t the character on the chest also have a picture of the character on his chest?


An infinite regress of the character would be the best costume ever!

Getting way off topic, but this will be my final word on hilarious costume recursion. This is the only thing that makes me laugh harder than just the character picture on the chest.


Wow. Just … wow. Yeah, I think I need to share that one around a bit. I’m pretty sure I missed the episode where Spock was wearing a … plastic “space fun helmet” with a flashing light and “pulsing sonic sound” …

Falling down the rabbit hole that is a Google search for things like this, I found this:


The Mandalorian-Power raised-fist is a nice touch.



Maybe it was an amalgam of all the different demeaning headwear Spock wore throughout the series. Like the one episode where some space-babes stole his brain and Dr. McCoy temporarily rigged up his body with the remote control doohickey with blinky lights…

…and that other episode when he wore the plastic visor to keep him from going insane from looking at the Medusan ambassador…

…and that time he wore the, uh, OTHER helmet…


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