The retail TP shortage may be real and due to the shift in where we poop



I’m going into work twice a week to swap out backup drives (there’s no one else there, so I figure it’s safe), and I’ve been making a point of using the facilities there, even though I’m only in the office for about an hour.

There’s still some bog roll available in our local shops, the real shortage seems to be booze, because even if people are drinking less than before, it all has to come from shops rather than pubs/bars/etc.


They call commercial grade TP John Wayne toilet paper: it’s rough, tough, and it don’t take shit from nobody


Are you pooping 8 times a day

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Pornhub suggest there could be another reason what with all the bored people at home.


Black ops suddenly has a ass-wiping effect on this shit.

Just BTW of nothing, toilet paper as a DIN EN ISO. And I used this to do science. In the West African bush.

I shit you not.

We had to measure multi-sculptured surfaces, so we checked if locally available toilet paper would be according to DIN EN ISO 12625-3, then unrolled six rolls from different packages and counted the paper leafs. We then used toilet paper to cover the objects we needed to measure in toilet paper (wetting it slighly, so it would stick for a while) and counted the rolls we used up. Multiply with the number of leafs, and you got your surface area calculation covered.


Nah just number 1. In the interest of completeness


Perhaps TMI, but you started it… who the hell ranks TP (even decent TP) any better than about fourth choice for that task?

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This is our backup plan when we can’t get anymore tp retail. My husband has the keys to the supply closet at his work.

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I am so over men joking about how much toilet paper women use. Jokes not funny. Being the constant butt of jokes isn’t funny. Over it.


That may be part of it, but the stockpiling and shortages started in late February, before most workers were sent home.

Course, BoingBoing’s been trying to warn us for years, what with all those articles about bidets.


I like that. I really like that. Simple and elegant.
Back at uni I worked as a student assistant at the geodesy department, with the occasional side gig for the Prof, mostly photogrammetry, sometimes surveying. Our lab engineer would have loved your approach.

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And on top of that, being told we’re not funny. :roll_eyes:


Every place I’ve ever worked the toilet paper was cheap garbage thinner than newspaper and rough as a corn cob. It’s so thin that to keep stuff from coming through onto your hand you have to fold it up until it’s 10 or 12 layers thick. There’s damn good reason nobody sells corporation-grade toilet paper in stores. No human in his right mind would buy it.


MOLLE Compatible

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Pun intended?

Where are the black-market profiteers? The panel-truck corner markets selling boosted commercial paper? The underemployed hotel housekeeping staff moving embezzled product to supplement their plummeting tip income?

Has this epidemic fundamentally changed the American character, or did we never actually have a drive for free enterprise in the first place?

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In the Navy it’s called “John Wayne” paper, because it’s rough and tough, and it don’t take no shit.

It lives up the the name…

Almost forgotten

Luckily, I still get to poop on The Man’s time.