The screaming no-masker was fired from his job

Back in the day when I hit a gym, I had to wipe off the equipment when I was done. And I wasn’t even sweating unless doing aerobics. I don’t think I’d ever do hot ass yoga just for the ewww factor given that most of the mats aren’t sterilized between sessions. I could be mistaken, though. Maybe people bring their own mats?


“Ragignation” would seem to cover both, since uncontrolled and unfettered hatred and rage seem to be a commonality.


Total tangent:

I love the yoga but Bikram is/was creepy as hell, as are the few followers he has left in the states.

There used to be TONS of Bikram yoga studios, most of those rebranded themselves as just “hot yoga” studios after Bikram’s proclivities became more widely known.

It’s really good for RA or PA sufferers, the heat is very soothing.

I bet this dude put “hot yoga” in his hobby list in the belief that something that sounds bad ass would enhance his bad ass image. Plus, backwards sunglasses :dark_sunglasses:


They totally do, because otherwise…ewwwwwwww


Bear in mind that without the ubiquitous camera, the name of George Floyd wouldn’t mean anything to anyone, let alone here in Belgium.


I look forward to the thoughtful open letter Harper’s will be publishing decrying this example of cancel culture.


Or would help him get laid. Odds are good that’s why he went in the first place.


I feel like N. K. Jemisin had the best take on the Harper’s shit show:


I work in the field, and the rare occasions that I have to deal directly with the agents are by far least pleasant part of my job.

Sales agents in general tend to grate on my nerves, regardless to the product they hock; cars, real estate, insurance, whatever.

That zero-sum, “Always Be Closing” mentality that many of them seem to have irritates the fuck out of me, because I don’t appreciate the automatic assumption that I’m a “mark.”

Typically that’s the case, AFAIK.

I wouldn’t know from experience, as I already tend to sweat excessively during a regular workout in average temps.


He was just trying to have a reasoned debate about masks, I can’t believe he got cancelled, honestly! /s


Ooo, I know, I know

The again my google results for no mask hot yoga may be biased by the result being a local story (and no, not Florida):


Yes that was allowed for in my response.

Obviously documenting stuff like that is of prime importance but if we cannot admit there are many downsides to being constantly surveilled as a society and a world then we are missing something else as well

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Is this referring to the open letter that Rowling, Atwood et al just published or is Harper’s involved in some other fuckery?

The whole outcry over “cancel culture” is so weak sauce. If you do something egregious enough that random internet people can highlight it and cause you to change course or have your course corrected for you, the instinct should be to look inward. Instead it’s outrage about being exposed as a dick. It’s not the being of dickishness they’re perturbed by, but the exposure. When people try to leverage that same power for silly reasons they are shut down (cancelled?) by the community.


I really liked Maron’s response to Todd Philips’ whinging:

“There’s plenty of people being funny right now. Not only being funny but being really fucking funny. There are still lines to be rode. If you like to ride a line, you can still ride a line. If you want to take chances, you can still take chances. Really, the only thing that’s off the table, culturally, at this juncture –and not even entirely– is shamelessly punching down for the sheer joy of hurting people. For the sheer excitement and laughter that some people get from causing people pain, from making people uncomfortable, from making people feel excluded. Y’know, that excitement.”

And this from an admitted former bully and rageaholic.


I love that woman.


After doing a bit more digging (using waybackmachine), it looks like the company has “lost” two other employees since yesterday. They are down one Alexandra Norus and one John Srour (scroll down to find him), in addition to Daniel Maples. UPDATE: TTI also removed the “Contact Us” link from their site.


That is really good. I like Sarah Jaffe’s as well:


Namaste, bro.


Some sales guys try to bully their customers into sales.

Women seem to get it more than men.

I deal with a lot of aggressive salespeople, either through contract negotiations for a client or because they think I’m a potential sale. They’re so incredibly obnoxious. I can’t say I’ve ever felt bullied by one, but I have no doubt that women get it worse.

Coronavirus seems to have prompted a slew of cold-calls from IT salespeople trying to sell products which they think are essential to doing business remotely. I can barely block the numbers fast enough.


Send him to … Yogadome!


Every yoga studio I know of has a “bring your own mat” policy.