The screaming no-masker was fired from his job

Two fools enter, no fools leave!


Went to the website.
One of the non-fired employeea is named Alexandra Cashdollar.
One of the non-fired employeea is named Jacob Cashdollar
Are these fake names?
Is this the default for employees who want anonymity?
Is this a website glitch?
I just want to know.
Edit: Ok, it’s my ignorance. This is, apparently, a number of people with this surname. But from my POV, it does seem the most likely explanation is a glitch in the Matrix, and an AI somewhere is scrambling to create background identities the further I search.


The yoga place I like to go to doesn’t advertise as hot yoga but every class does increase the temp intentionally. From my limited understanding what my studio is doing is a mild version meant to help people loosen up their cold muscles and isn’t meant to be torture like some places seem to be all about. I can say that it was a blessing during pre-sunrise classes in the winter and not really an issue for mid-day summer classes.

I know people that have gone to HOT YOGA FUCK YEAH type classes at other studios and people were passing out and throwing up and the instructor was yelling drill instructor style. Definitely avoid that type of class.

My yoga studio wipes down all of the borrowed mats after every session and of course you can bring your own mat. But other studios may be more or less diligent in cleaning practices.


Oof. Just did a quick google of “yoga mat cleaning solution”. Based on all of the results I looked at, I’d bring my own bottle of alcohol. It works well before and after class.


my husband does (did) hot yoga before the pandemic. super hot room, teacher warns newbies that if they feel lightheaded or sick they can stop and lie down, etc. – i love yoga, but the heated room thing isn’t my thing. i will say that it has done wonders for his flexibility, and he lost a bit of weight, too. I was into yoga years before i got him into it, and once he started going to hot yoga he could do poses i have never been able to manage. i don’t know if i would call it mid-level, just because of how strenuous it is. he brings his own mat, and he would come home DRENCHED. all his clothes and his mat soaked with sweat, and washing and wringing out his mat was a regular chore.


My studio had a spray bottle of some type of cleaner but I don’t know what it was. I didn’t like to wait for it so I just cleaned my mat when I got home.

I have to admit that looking down and seeing the amount of sweat rolling off me was kind of thrilling. I’m not normally a heavy sweater when doing other workout activities so this felt like I was accomplishing more.


Fastest way to get fired now days, Give a Wildly Inappropriate Public Rant (and luckily for the rest of us, get filmed doing it)!


I hope I’m not alone in reading the “I feel threatened” announcement as a declaration of his right under Florida law to use force and not retreat? Sort of the equivalent of a cop shouting “Stop resisting”.




Not to be confused with Johnny Dollar, the famed freelance insurance investigator with the action-packed expense account.


It’s also hypocritical, since these are the very same sort of people who will (or at least threaten to) boycott $COMPANY because of some bullshit right-wing reason.


The articulate take-down I wish I could have made.

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I thought that not having to wear a mask was a 2nd amendment issue.


Being a psychopath doesn’t mean you can’t sell. Sometimes it helps. Nobody could sell real estate or used cars if they gave a damn about other people.


Re: Scumbag Salespeople–

It seems like the quality of salesperson as human being hinges on the product they’re in charge of selling. Insurance and “financial planning” are inherently predatory products, and so they require inherently predatory salespeople.

On the other hand, I worked in contract furniture for years (as a company’s top salesperson, incidentally). Our products were high quality, and we could customize products to meet clients’ specific needs. There was no need for predatory sales tactics. My closing technique was to listen to my clients, care about them, and find solutions to their problems.

As a side note, in my industry, our top performing sales reps were women, and our customers’ top performing sales people were almost all women as well. I don’t think we can draw any conclusions about sales ability based on gender, but it was not lost on me that for some reason 90% of the dudes in the industry were scrubs. They would talk endlessly with you about all the business they could drive and all the relationships they had, but the scoreboard doesn’t lie.


One of the revelations for many from the financial crisis of 2008 was that the same is true of bankers, or “Used money salesmen,” as I like to call them.


Yeah! And I’m a heavy sweater anyway so I always would drink a bunch of water starting a few hours before class. I really miss it.

I’m in Florida and my hot yoga studio is closed and doing online only streaming classes since mid-March. She says to pretend it’s hot :hot_face:


I just clued in to something in this video. His language, “I FEEL THREATENED.” He has a concealed pistol, and he’s crafting a reason to brandish it. Unfortunately, he either lost his nerve or couldn’t escalate the situation to what he thinks is a plausible level.


From Wikipedia: “Each story was recounted in flashback, and every few minutes the action would be interrupted by Johnny listing a line item from his expense account, which served as an effective scene transition.”
Hey, 886 episodes. It must have had something going for it.


I think “cooking and mentoring others” in his bio was supposed to be “cooking meth”. Because that would explain his actions.