Originally published at: The state of Florida bullies the Special Olympics over its vaccine requirement | Boing Boing
At this point, Florida is what it is. People being surprised about this have, in my view, every right to be surprised but Florida as a state has been very clear about this thing the whole time. And yes, I know many in red states don’t like their red state masters speaking for them, but the fact remains that they ARE. So if your goal is, for say, an organization like the special olympics, to hold a safe vaccinated event… you should just not do that in florida. You’re not allowed to and this has been made clear over and over. Instead of trying to shame Florida into doing the right thing that they’re not going to do, take your events and event money/fundraising/secondary market activities to states that DO respect your decisions to make your attendees safe.
Florida, man…
Another day another petty act by Gov. Dummy
Fascists definitely do delight in pointless cruelty.
You’ve got it backward. Special Olympics has been in Florida for a long time. I’m not sure how their organization works, but there is a state-wide “chapter” that serves Floridian Olympians. It’s not that they made the mistake of deciding on Florida, it’s that Florida decided to use a long-standing organization as a political football.
This is the equivalent of saying that every LGBTQ+ kid ever born in Florida should have chosen a different state to be born in. Florida has a looong history of queer culture that suddenly finds itself looking down the barrel of legislative intolerance. There’s only one group at fault here and it ain’t te gays and Special Olympians.
why should special olympians be safer than any other floridian?
Potentially more vulnerable to Covid?
it was /s. sorry that wasn’t clear
It’s a fascinating study in contrasts that the state which is home to the Kennedy Space Center—the very gateway to the cosmos created by America’s literal rocket scientists—is so vehemently anti-science in general.
So was it withholding funding or levying fines? Does it even matter?
From your lips to the NCAA’s ears. Imagine how loudly DeSantis would howl if the NCAA moved the 2023 Division 1 Men’s basketball tournament games for the first and second rounds from Orlando, Florida to some other venue because of his government’s policies. How much revenue would Florida lose if that were to happen?
Potentially none. For every organization that does that, there’s some other that wants to “virtue signal” how proud they would be to come to Florida.
How many of those organizations would bring “about $6.5 to $10.5 million in revenue” to the city for two days of work, using the figures cited in that article for Milwaukee, Buffalo, and Pittsburgh?
Death Cult
Aw, shit.
This just means that Czar Abbott will have to come up with something to out-jackass DeSatan, just so he can stay relevent as a potential POTUS nominee…
So, the Special Olympics is just as stupid. It’s not “politics” to want to avoid a super spreader event.
Abbott’s already advocating for door inspectors to take care of future school shootings…
I’m not blaming the gays or special olympics. I’m stating that this is the kind of behavior that occurs now in Florida, and if your goal is to have a safe event, you need to host that event outside of Florida. I’m very aware of how different state chapters of special olympics works having donated to my local and state chapters, but that doesn’t mean they are forced to hold events in my state, and the national org can also help with this type of situation (and often does).