The third installment of Obi-Wan Kenobi

Yeah, but it hearkens back to the other times the heroes have blasted control panels. And that does the thing they want it to do, vs making it worse.

Also a little funny because Obi Wan called blasters so “uncivilized” in the past.

Stormtrooper Wilhelm Scream!

I can’t stop hearing them now. :man_shrugging:

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Not always.

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Someone who can do a good “James Earl Jones” should dub that over this scene for youtube. They’re both in masks, so you just have to get the voices right.

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Good Episode - a lot less adults chasing kids and not catching them. But did anyone else think of this during the walk sequence?

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I imagine, in the final episode of “Adventures in Jedi Babysitting,” they will have to wipe Lei’s mind of ever meeting Obi-Wan. I only base this on the fact that, when she recorded her Hologram Tik Tok message into R2D2, she referred to Ben as “General Kenobi” in a sort of unfamiliar tone.

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91-year-old Jones is credited for the Vader voice in the new show, but the credits also include the company Respeecher, which uses AI to clone voices. I wonder how much of the performance was actually new recordings of him vs. an AI treatment of someone else.

Anyway, I’ll bet there are lots of options for creating convincing Vader voices these days.


Yeah, I was having a problem with “why isn’t he alerting the troops?” when he found him, but now I remember that revenge has a lot to do with it, too.


Even during the final Obi-wan/Vader battle in Episode IV the stormtroopers took a “stand aside and watch the boss do his thing” approach so that part felt totally consistent.


First off, Moses Ingram slays in this role! More please!

Second - Does she hate both sides and is trying to play them off against each other. If she’s one of the kids, then both ruined her life in spectacular ways…why choose?

I’m wondering if her plan is to get Kenobi & Vader together, they fight, one dies, she swoops in and kills the other. (none of that would work, as we know)

Anyway…don’t mind me…just a thought.

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Agreed. Ben got his ass kicked.

I was just saying the other day, they should hire hm to speak all the syllables needed for these AI programs, and then pay him/his estate a royalty every time they use it.

OH yeah, I think she makes a good Sith.

I mean, the original Trilogy IS about redemption. Maybe she doesn’t know about Anakin. Maybe she lied to herself that the Jedi were evil and the Emperor did what he had to do to save the galaxy. Maybe she will have an epiphany and betray Vader in the end (surely there will be another season, so it may not be THIS story arc.)

I don’t know if I see that right now as a motivation, but it could be kept from us, the viewer. Only, I say there is no way in hell she could face Vader. Obi Wan, in his diminished state she could probably defeat.

I think these days they train modern AI programs on samples of natural speech rather than syllables, and between all the dialogue recorded for the movies, video games and whatever other past performances they’ve got I’m sure their AI program is already pretty well trained. Jones has an awesome voice and I’m sure he can still pass for Vader but the dude is 91 now, which must take some kind of toll. If you want the “classic Vader” voice I think you’re pretty much stuck using the older recordings for training the AI.

Whatever they did for the voice in this episode and in the future, I’m sure his agent negotiated a fee for his voice likeness, just as I’m sure Mark Hamill got paid for his creepy AI appearances in those episodes of The Mandalorian.. Given his age and their obvious desire to keep pumping out Star Wars content I’ll bet they negotiated fees years ago.

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No question, Vader would destroy her at the smallest slight.

I did say it was just a thought…didn’t say it was a good thought, or even well thought out :smiley:

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There are plenty of head scratchers with the show just like the laser gate.

I’m going to give it 2 :popcorn: and a :cup_with_straw:, hoping it will get better writing and directing, but knowing in my heart it can only get worse.

Wait, is that all you wanted to say, or is that all the series has?

There’s also the possibility that Vader is both feared and hated by the stormtroopers, so they’re watching publicly “ready to help if needed” but privately “I am not missing this if Vader gets cut in half.”


That’s when she forgets she’s buddies with Obi-Wan and she also forgets she never met her and Luke’s biological mother?

I think the sound design and score is also top notch.

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