The third installment of Obi-Wan Kenobi

you mean “he calls them uncivilized in the future.”
the first movie hasn’t happened yet.

i don’t agree – she is performing a formal appeal, as a diplomat. referencing his military standing makes sense. but later on, when Luke rescues her from her cell, she calls him “Ben Kenobi,” so she clearly seems to know or remember him from a personal standpoint, too.


He also said something to that effect after he used a blaster to turn General Grievous into a Roman Candle though. He’s always been kind of a hypocrite when it comes to those things.

I see no issue with a scared and out of training Ben using a blaster and not being willing to light up a lightsaber under all but the most extreme circumstance – which he did. His aim is also ass so maybe it explains why he thinks Stormie’s are precise.

i just think he has a preference. sabers really are more elegant than blasters.

Okay, now let’s see him fight a Gorn.


Don’t forget that he also blew a lot of stuff up with his starfighter. Kinda like how the Michael Keaton Batman didn’t use guns, unless they were mounted to a vehicle in which case he was a huge gun enthusiast.


Ah, you are forgetting Revenge of the Sith.

I mean, I have worked for some assholes before, but none of them could force choke me on a whim with no consequences.

Yeah - big plot hole… IF she never realized she was adopted it would have made sense, but it is pretty clear she knows the Organa’s aren’t her biological parents. Or maybe she just white lied to Luke to make him feel better.

Oh well, just roll with it. I view it like I view the Bible, you can’t expect there to be 100% consistencies over thousands of years of story telling crammed together into one book.

For some of the time, using a blaster would draw WAY less attention that lighting up a lightsaber. But yeah, when the jig was up, he should have taken it out. Also, I thought it rather silly he just took out like 5 troopers, but surrendered to 3 troopers and an officer? But I guess he was in the open this time and didn’t want to risk Leia. Eh, another contrived event to reveal the double agent.

Personally, I don’t understand why Jedi don’t use both. Erzra’s lightsaber in Star Wars Rebels was a VERY cool design, where a stun blaster was built in.

Final note - they do this all the time in TV and movies where you just knock out a bad guy and they are incapacitated for the rest of the scene. But if Freck didn’t wake up after a few seconds, it is a very bad sign and they stand a good chance of dying.

My best guestimate at what we’re seeing the number of times Obi-wan takes the lightsaber and cradles it, holds it, and considers using it is that he knows and remembers his weapon and his deep connection through the force to it – but now he is going to just light it up and use it with muscle memory and no muscle. He’s not fighting like Obi-Wan Kenobi, he is fighting like scared Ben. The force jumps, dodges, and parkour bullshit is all gone.

I am not sure he has the force control and predictive ability to block blaster fire, etc. He was barely getting the lightsaber in front of Vader’s blows.

As to why the Jedi didn’t use blasters, it’s part of the whole problem with the Jedi and their blindness to what’s going on around them. A devoted worship to a soon-to-be-dead religion. After a time it seems Ezra gave up the combo saber and went with a straight standard hilt weapon too – I think as he gained the control and ability with the force it becomes a better weapon for the type of fighting they do. Ben Kenobi just lacks that connection to the force and Obi-Wan has yet to find himself.

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My interpretation was that he was loathe to take up the blade again because the last time he used it was to dismember his former Padawan, so his feelings toward the device are forever tainted by that trauma. And in fact he doesn’t finally ignite the thing until he’s forced to confront said Padawan once again.


indeed i was! whoops!

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That’s depressingly plausible, in that she was an experienced politician running a huge military campaign and she’d be telling people whatever they needed to hear all day every day

but that interpretation completely upends the emotional meaning of the scene :roll_eyes:

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