Originally published at: Thirsty to sit down with Tom Morello, Republicans are outraged he refuses to sit with Nazis | Boing Boing
The GOP keeps being surprised that Rage is/was an anti-fascist band… Just pay attention to the lyrics, you dopes!
Must suck listening to Rage Against The Machine and realising you’re the Machine…
they still have not learned…
This one from the aptly named "John Galt is a howler:
9 people can sit down at a table with 1 Nazi and talk and educate said single Nazi on the issues and the truth with evidence and convert that Nazi.
It’s called diplomacy.
Well, it was called diplomacy. We now call it appeasement.
… Do they know what Rage Against The Machine is?
They just hear “rage” and don’t go any further than that
This is always a favorite
Grandpa knew how to convert Nazis. From a B-17 he and his buddies converted Nazis into a thin ash.
My favorite response to one such clueless dolt was “What ‘machine’ did you think they were raging against? The dishwasher?”
Evidently Tom Morello trolled all manner of bigot earlier this week.
Not gonna lie, I would watch, a gayer Dukes of Hazzard reboot!
They seem to be confusing his band with Converse Amicably With The Machine And Concede The Machine Has Valid Points.
Identical cousins- once removed?